Promoting a healthy diet in Japan: media strategies

Researchers conducted a cross-sectional study based on data from a web-based questionnaire survey.

They identified different web-based and offline media sources that Japanese adults regularly use when seeking nutrition information and found that variables related to media consumption varied widely.

For example, people with higher education were more likely to refer to government websites, newspapers and medical manufacturer websites, but less likely to use television and video sites; and those with a better diet standard tended to refer to newspapers, books and magazines.

“The absence of a positive association between the use of the two main sources (television and web searches) and food literacy or diet quality is highlighted. These findings provide useful insights into the potential for developing and disseminating evidence-based health promotion materials,”the researchers wrote in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

While there is a growing demand for nutrition and nutritional information, there are concerns that much of it online may not be accurate.

This creates a challenge for nutrition and health professionals as their campaign may have an impact or be lost on the less discerning target audience.

As all previous studies on nutrition information-seeking behaviors have been conducted in Western countries, the researchers wanted to examine such behavior among Japanese adults regarding healthy eating and its possible consequences. . The objective was to use the results as a reference when devising future public health strategies aimed at improving health.

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