Life360 is about family safety, but also for ‘connection’: CEO

Life360 (LIFX) CEO Chris Hulls joins Yahoo Finance to discuss how the app has evolved over its baseline location services.

As the best location-sharing app on the market, Hulls tells Julie Hyman and Josh Lipton that the app is “not only about safety, but about a sense of connection.” In addition to location services, the company is able to track driving behavior and help families handle emergency situations by providing in-app emergency assistance.

Life360 has also expanded to devices, providing its location services for everything from keys to pets. “Our belief is that location will be in everything and very much in the early days,” explains Hulls. As millennials become parents, mobile devices play a bigger role in parenting, fueling Life360’s growth.

Following the popularity of Apple’s (AAPL) Find My iPhone, Hulls explains that Life360 provides a “richer interface” with more detailed information. He also says the app isn’t just for families with teenagers, as Life360 is finally “staying in touch with those closest to you.”

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This post was written by Melanie Riehl

Video transcript

There’s more to location sharing than just seeing what your kids are up to throughout the day and in life.

Company 360 operates a family-oriented platform that allows its users to not only keep track of their loved ones but also keep track of gadgets and access a range of safety services.

Join us now to discuss the opportunities and beyond for the life of the company.

6360 co-founder and CEO Chris Halls.


Thank you for being here.

Appreciate it.

So, talk to me about how you integrate yourself into devices and, and what’s the demand for it right now.


So we were the first location-sharing app on the market and we understand that location can be the gateway to so many different family services.

It’s not just about safety but about that sense of connection.

Where is someone?

How are they driving?

How are they feeling?

And when that emergency happens, what if you need an ambulance?

What if you need help?

Because your child drank the Tylenol.

We have many services that fit our umbrella.

And recently we moved into devices.

So pets things cars, keys, uh, things you really care about.

It is our belief that everything will have a location and it is very early days as the millennial generation becomes parents, they naturally turn to their devices and that’s what’s driving this huge growth we’ve had.

And Chris, I’m assuming, you know, if I’m tracking people, I’m assuming that the other person is that they’ve opted in.

Yes, it is 100% optional.

There is no parent and child version of the app.

It’s all the same, completely peer to peer.

And that was one of the main features of our platform in the early days was trust that you have to choose not stealth.

Um And the life 360 ​​I, I want to imagine competition on certain levels, although you have a different set of services with things like finding my iphone.

So I’m curious how much of it is deployed on Android devices.

And do you have some market share on I OS devices as well?

So, counterintuitively, we actually have a higher market share in Android heavy and I’m sorry, I’m heavy regions and it’s enough because Apple helped popularize some sites because hey, they’re Apple, they normalize something that felt a little creepy. early.

But as we grew, people realized, well, if I want that richer interface, if I have a family, if I have cross-platform customers, if I want to know how someone is driving.

If I want to have an interface, a little more lively and less utilitarian, you get AI 360.

So we often hear about people who started finding mine and switched to I 360 but about half of our paying customers are across the platform.

And Chris, I’m curious if, you know, if you have kids yourself and if so, do you use the app to keep in touch with them?

I have two daughters, six and nine.

So I’m not using the app for them.

Uh but I use tile devices with them.

And one thing that’s a little counterintuitive is that it’s just parents with kids.

We have couples, we have people looking after their aging parents.

So when you really look at what we’re doing, it’s all about the family organizer.

It’s about staying in touch with those closest to you and not just people with teenage children.

And as you know, there is a story in the Wall Street Journal that talked about more information that could be there regarding a new source of income for you.

You know people pay for some of these services you’re talking about, but it sounds like you’ll also have an ad version and give more information about the ad revenue.

What can you tell us about that piece?


So with dau, we are now the 15th largest app in the country on I OS according to point A I data.

So we have this huge cache of first-party real-time data.

And I think sometimes you can look at data and it’s like a way to take things away from your customers.

But we really think we can make offers that are very strong.

So imagine you land at a new airport and we can get you an Uber right away or you go to a new country and we can offer you travel insurance.

Those are things that use your data in very beneficial ways where we can match our customers with products and services that really help them.

And that’s a unique form of advertising that we’re excited to pioneer.

And Chris, you’re trading in Australia, you’ve got an OTC listing here, but I understand you’re looking to dual-list in the US.

What is the possible timeline for that?

II can’t comment on that, but we did file an S3 prospectus that anyone can look at.

Okay. We will do that and we hope others will too, Chris.

Thank you very much.

Appreciate it.

Thank you for having me.

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