Labor councilor suspended after claims he published anti-Semitic posts on social media

Tanweer Khan campaigns with Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary

A Labor councilor has been suspended after claims he published anti-Semitic posts attacking “Jewish-owned” social media outlets.

Tanweer Khan, who has been tipped as a future Labor MP, allegedly claimed that Facebook was controlled by the Israeli government and allegedly described its owner, Mark Zuckeberg, as a “Zionist billionaire”, using what is widely seen as as an anti-. Idiot trope.

Mr Khan, who campaigned with Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, in 2022 denied writing or posting the remarks, claiming they were “posted by disgruntled former Labor Party members”.

Earlier this month, Labor suspended Mr Khan pending an investigation into his conduct. A party source said: “It would be inappropriate for us to comment while an investigation is ongoing.”

Mr Khan, in May 2021, in a post on Labayk, his own social media app aimed at Muslim users, is said to have said: “I don’t understand why people want other people on this platform to join their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp groups etc. These are almost all Jewish owned platforms.

“By Al-Aqsa [mosque in Jerusalem] being destroyed recently by Israelis, and Facebook deleting Muslim accounts, we should redouble our efforts to help the Ummah. [Muslim community] – do not strengthen those who seek to weaken us.”

‘Disgruntled former Labor Party members’

The following month, when Labayk was forced to close due to insufficient support from subscribers despite investing more than £150,000, Mr Khan allegedly again posted a lengthy statement criticizing rival platforms as “Jewish-owned”.

The post said: “The most deplorable issue is that people are calling for a boycott of Jewish-owned goods and businesses to support the Palestinian people, while at the same time these same Muslims are spending their free time on far on Facebook, which is under the control of the Israeli government.”

He added: “If you use Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, do not forget that you are directly strengthening the position of the Israeli government in killing innocent Muslims.

“This entire platform is owned by billionaire Zionist Mark Zuckerberg, who has repeatedly helped the Israeli government by giving them funds so they can commit illegal acts against innocent Muslims. Think for a moment how much a Jewish platform like Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp benefits Muslim consumers.”

It was later deleted, but several Facebook users had reposted it by then and it can still be found on their pages.

Tanweer Khan was unsuccessfully nominated as the Labor parliamentary candidate in Pendle and Clitheroe, LancashireTanweer Khan was unsuccessfully nominated as the Labor parliamentary candidate in Pendle and Clitheroe, Lancashire

Tanweer Khan was unsuccessfully nominated as the Labor parliamentary candidate in Pendle and Clitheroe, Lancashire

A Conservative councilor made a formal complaint to Labor in Redbridge, east London, in March 2022, followed by another in November last year.

In May and July 2022, Mr Khan was photographed alongside Mr Streeting campaigning in Redbridge.

Mr Khan, who worked as an investment banker and technology entrepreneur, was unsuccessfully nominated as Labour’s parliamentary candidate in Pendle and Clitheroe, Lancashire, last October.

Jewish groups criticized his alleged remarks. A spokesman for the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism said: “The alleged statements by this councilor are clearly unacceptable. They tear apart racism and divide communities, the opposite of qualities that befit a councillor.”

The complaint about anti-Semitic remarks followed an earlier investigation by Labor into Mr Khan’s behavior following complaints that he made racist comments at a Labor Party meeting in Ilford South Constituency in March 2019 to the lack of female candidates and discuss black candidates.

Referring to Fiona Onasanya, the former Peterborough MP who was jailed after being found guilty of lying over a speeding ticket, he told the meeting: “We didn’t want to be like Peterborough who elected a black woman MP who turned out to be a member of it. criminal.”

‘I did not post any of these comments’

In June 2019, Labor issued him a formal warning over previous content he had posted on social media, which was found to be inconsistent with the party’s rules and code of conduct on “anti-Semitism and other forms of racism “.

Mr Khan denied writing or posting the anti-Semitic remarks, telling the Telegraph: “You are absolutely right that the comments you have highlighted are offensive, anti-Semitic and also perpetuate they anti-Semitic tropes.

“Suffice it to say, I did not make or post any of these comments myself.

“When I first became aware of this, back in late 2021, I immediately reported myself to the Labor Party. These views were fueled by the appalling actions of some disaffected former Labor Party members in Ilford South. I was able to provide evidence to the Labor Party to establish that.”

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