Is a Plant-Based Diet Best for Senior Health?

In stark contrast to much of the Western world, people living on the Greek island of Ikaria have a good chance of making it well into their 90s. Experts speculate that there are several reasons for this. One is regular exercise. Ikaria is mountainous, so a store must be physically visited. Another is a strong sense of community, which keeps depression rates low. And another is diet.

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Ikaria is one of the five official Blue Zones in the world. Like Okinawa in Japan and Nicoya in Costa Rica, its population follows a 95 to 100 percent plant-based diet. And we are not talking vegan meat and processed foods, but fresh fruit, leafy greens, grains, beans, and legumes. So, which whole foods plant-based diet is best for senior health? If the Blue Zones are anything to go by, it certainly seems that way. Here, we take a closer look at why.

RELATED: What can you really eat on a Paleo Vegan diet?

Diet and aging

Research confirms that as people age, food becomes more important than ever. And that is because bodies begin to change as they age; muscles, bones and organs need more support from vital nutrients.

Thinning skin, for example, is a common sign of aging. But this makes it harder to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption, so this can lead to a calcium deficiency. Both of these nutrients can be supplemented through diet.

Catalyst Foundation Wellness Gallery/Pexels

Protein is also vital, as it helps preserve muscle mass. Without it, older people are at greater risk of muscle atrophy, which can lead to mobility issues and slower recovery from illness. One study, published in Journals of Gerontologyfound that those who ate the most protein were 30 percent less likely to have functional impairment out of 2,900 seniors.

Potassium, omega-3, magnesium, and iron deficiencies are also common in the elderly. According to the British Geriatrics Association, 30 per cent of people over 85 in the UK have anaemia.

Senior health

Diet can help play a role in maintaining optimal senior health, which in turn can reduce the risk of certain diseases.

The World Health Organization notes that the risk of dementia is reduced, for example, when people follow a nutritious diet and limit their alcohol intake, among other healthy behaviors. And the Alzheimer’s Association acknowledges evidence that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and cereals, and low in red meat and sugar, may help to reduce the risk of developing the disease.


Research also suggests that a diet high in plant foods can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer, all of which are common causes of death among the elderly.

“While some may be tempted to believe that veganism is a diet for young people, the truth is that eating vegan foods has many benefits for seniors,” registered dietitian Amber Dixon, MPH – who is a geriatric nurse and its founder. Says Elderly Guides, a platform that provides health resources for seniors and their families.

She reiterated that it could reduce the risk of dementia, as well as helping people maintain their weight. “Eating vegan means you’re getting plenty of fiber and complex carbohydrates,” she said. “Which helps you feel fuller longer and helps regulate blood sugar levels.”

vegan diet for senior health

There are different types of vegan diets. For example, a diet consisting of only french fries and plant-based donuts is packed with nutrition, but is still vegan. For optimal senior health (and other ages as well), one type of vegan diet is recommended: whole foods, plant-based. Just like the Ikarians.

Like everyone following a vegan diet, however, older people may need to consider B12 supplementation. Research suggests that the likelihood of vitamin B12 deficiency increases with age, affecting six percent of people over the age of 60. Vitamin B12 can be found in nutritional yeast and fortified cereals, but not in fruit and vegetables.

That said, a diet full of grains, leafy greens, beans, legumes, and other whole foods will help seniors get nearly all of the vital vitamins and minerals needed to maintain good bone, muscle, and organ health.

The best foods for seniors, recommended by dietitians

Here are some of the best foods for seniors according to dietitians.


1 High protein foods, such as tofu

“Tofu is one of the highest sources of protein among vegan foods,” says registered dietitian Patricia Kolesa, MS RDN. This, she says, is due to the higher protein needs of seniors. She notes that tofu, which contains about 8 grams of protein per 100 grams, “can be a helpful source to prevent the process of muscle breakdown.”

“Protein foods can also help with feeling full and satiated after a meal,” says Kolesa. Tofu is also high in calcium, which may be helpful in maintaining strong bones in older populations who are at greater risk of fractures and arthritis.”

For more guidance on how to cook with tofu, see our guide to the best preparation and cooking methods. Other high protein vegan foods include tempeh, which has 19 grams of protein per 100 grams, and seitan, which has 75 grams of protein.


2 Beans and legumes

Kolesa also notes that beans are a good source of protein for older adults. “Together with rice, they can make a complete protein,” she explains. Kidney beans are a very good source, with 24 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. To find out which beans have the most protein, we’ve created this handy bean guide that covers everything from cannellini to edamame (plus high-protein recipes).

But, protein aside, beans also have other benefits. “Beans also contain fiber,” says Kolesa. “In older populations, it can be more difficult to have a bowel movement and fiber can aid the digestive process by helping to form a pool and remove waste from the body. Another problem among the elderly is anemia, which results from low iron. Beans are a great source of iron and should be combined with a vitamin C food such as red bell peppers for optimal absorption by the body.”

Dixon agrees that beans are a good source of nutrition for older people, and also recommends other protein- and vitamin-rich legumes, such as lentils and peas. “Beans and legumes are high in protein, fiber, and other nutrients that are important for seniors,” she says. “They can be used in a variety of recipes and are easy to incorporate into everyday meals.”


3 Leafy greens

Dixon also recommends that seniors pack their diets with greens, like spinach and kale. “They are high in vitamins A and C, which are important for eye health and preventing age-related vision loss,” she says. “They also contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals, promote healthy skin, and reduce inflammation.”

Other good examples are arugula, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, and romaine lettuce.

To pack in the leafy greens (with an all-important side of beans and legumes!), try this Zesty Vegan Salad with Black Chickpeas, this Vegan Spinach, Chickpea, and Lemon Pilaf, or this Vegan-Apple Chickpea Kale Salad With Mustard – Dill dressing.


4 Whole grain

Whole grains are another essential part of a balanced plant-based diet. They include foods like brown rice, wild rice, oats, barley, durum wheat, and rye.

“Whole grains provide many essential minerals and vitamins including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc (which helps prevent anemia), selenium (which helps protect the immune system) , B vitamins (which support energy production), chromium (which helps balance. blood sugar levels), and manganese (which supports bone health),” notes Dixon.

For examples of how to enjoy whole grains in your diet, check out this Vegan Garden Fried Rice, this Jamaican-Inspired Vegan Banana Oatmeal Porridge, or these Healthy Vegan Strawberry Chia Oat Bites.


5 A rainbow of fruits and vegetables

Other foods that can make up a healthy, whole, plant-based diet include berries, such as bananas and strawberries, which are rich in vitamins such as B6 and vitamin C, as well as colorful vegetables such as peppers, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beetroot. , pumpkins, carrots, and more.

All these examples have unique properties. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, for example, have beta-carotene that is converted to vitamin A in the body. To maintain good health at any age, but especially in the senior years, people should aim, quite simply, to make Blue Crystals and eat the rainbow.

For more information on health and nutrition, read:

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