Fact-checking in the age of AI – librarians offer 5 strategies

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence tools has made it easy to create a story quickly, which has complicated the reader’s ability to determine whether a source or news article is real or reliable. For example, earlier this year, people were sharing an article about the supposed suicide of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s psychiatrist as if it were true. It ended up being a rewrite of a satirical piece from 2010 generated by AI.

The problem is widespread. According to a 2021 Pearson Institute/AP-NORC poll, “Ninety-five percent of Americans believe the spread of misinformation is a problem.” The Pearson Institute researches ways to reduce global conflicts.

As library scientists, we combat the rise of misinformation by teaching several ways to validate the accuracy of an article. These methods include the SIFT (Stop, Investigate, Find, Find) Method, the PROVEN (Purpose, Relevance, Objectivity, Verifiability, Expertise and Novelty) Source Evaluation method, and lateral reading.

Lateral reading is a strategy for exploring a source by opening a new browser tab to search and consult other sources. Lateral reading involves cross-checking the information by researching the source rather than scrolling down the page.

Here are five techniques based on these methods to help readers determine news fact from fiction:

1. Research the author or organization

Look for information outside of the entity’s own website. What are others saying about it? Are there any red flags that make you question his credibility? Search for the name of the entity in quotation marks in your browser and look for sources that critically review the organization or group. An organization’s “About” page may tell you who is on their board, their mission and their nonprofit status, but this information is usually written to present the organization in a positive light.

The PROVEN Source Evaluation method includes a section called “Expertise,” which suggests readers check the author’s credentials and affiliations. Do the authors have advanced degrees or expertise related to the topic? What else have they written? Who funds the organization and what are their affiliations? Do any of these affiliations reveal a potential conflict of interest? Could their writings be biased in favor of one particular point of view?

If any of this information is missing or in doubt, you may want to stay away from this author or organization.

2. Use good search techniques

Familiarize yourself with search techniques available in your favorite web browser, such as searching for keywords instead of whole sentences and limiting searches by domain names, such as .org, .gov, or .edu.

Another good technique is to put two or more words in quotation marks so that the search engine finds the words next to each other in that order, such as “Pizzagate Conspiracy.” This leads to more relevant results.

In an article published in Nature, a team of researchers wrote that “77% of search queries that used a false/misleading article headline or URL as a search query return at least one unreliable news link among the top ten results.”

A more efficient search would be to identify the key concepts in the headline in question and search for those individual words as keywords. For example, if the headline is “Vision at Alien Show at Miami Mall Sparks Claims of Invasion,” readers could search for: “alien invasion” Miami mall.

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3. Verify the source

Verify the original sources of information. Was the information quoted, paraphrased or cited accurately? Can you find the same facts or statements in the original source? Purdue Global, Purdue University’s online university for working adults, recommends verifying references and references that may influence news stories by checking that the sources are “easy to find, easy to access, and not they are out of date.” He also recommends checking the original studies or data cited for accuracy.

The SIFT Method reflects this in its recommendation to “trace claims, quotes, and media to the original context.” You cannot assume that the re-reporting is always accurate.

4. Use fact-checking websites

Look for fact-checking websites like InfluenceWatch.org, Poynter.org, Politifact.com or Snopes.com to verify claims. What conclusions did the fact checkers reach regarding the accuracy of the claims?

An article in the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review found that the “high level of agreement” between fact-checking sites “increases the credibility of fact-checkers in the public eye.”

5. Pause and reflect

Pause and reflect to see if what you have read provoked a strong emotional response. An article in the journal Cognitive Research suggests that news items that cause strong emotions increase our tendency to “believe fake news stories.”

​​​​​​One online study found that the simple act of “pausing to think” and consider whether a headline is true or false can prevent someone from sharing false information. Although the study found that taking a break only slightly reduced intention-sharing – 0.32 points on a 6-point scale – the authors argue that it could still cut down on the spread of fake news on social media.

Knowing how to spot and check misinformation is an important part of being a responsible digital citizen. This skill is even more important as AI becomes more pervasive.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a non-profit, independent news organization that brings you facts and analysis to help you make sense of our complex world.

It was written by: Tracy Bicknell-Holmes, Boise State University; Elaine Watson, Boise State Universityand Jose Guillermo ‘Memo’ Cordova Silva, Boise State University.

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The authors do not work for, consult with, or own shares in, or receive funding from, any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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