Creating a Crohn’s Disease and Colitis Diet Plan

If you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you know how awful inflammation can be. And no matter what you do, the inflammation that comes with conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis may feel like an inevitable consequence. Stomach pain, cramps and diarrhea can throw you off and dampen your plans. And you’re left wondering what, if anything, may be causing your chronic symptoms?

Ulcerative colitis causes localized inflammation in your colon (large intestine) and rectum. Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation anywhere in your gastrointestinal tract – from your mouth all the way to your anus. And believe it or not, both can be made worse if you’re triggered by certain types of foods, says registered dietitian Kendra Weekley, RD, LD.

“There is no specific diet for Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis,” she says. “But foods that may be perfectly fine for one person may be problematic for others.”

Although there hasn’t been much research done on the ulcerative colitis diet or nutrition plan for Crohn’s disease, there are common suspects you want to avoid when your gut is giving you grief.

How diet affects IBD

Weekley emphasizes that you shouldn’t try to manage either of these diseases with food alone.

“Inflammatory bowel disease is not something you can cure with diet—you need to have a health care team to treat these,” she says. “But if you do have a flare up, here are some foods you may want to avoid or limit to reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms.”

Foods to avoid when you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis

Remember: Trigger foods are different for everyone. So, if you’re not sure where to start, talk to a healthcare provider before you start cutting out the following foods:

1. Whole grains

High amounts of fiber can cause a lot of traffic in your gastrointestinal tract, including:

  • Whole grain bread.
  • Whole wheat pasta.
  • popcorn.
  • Bran.

“These foods can be irritating to someone who is having a disease flare,” says Weekley.

2. Beans

Beans are a super nutritious food — when you’re feeling good, notes Weekley. But during a flare, their fiber content is high and tend to cause a case of lost-loss gas that can make you feel bloated with pain.

3. High fiber fruits and vegetables

“Some people think they can’t eat vegetables with IBD, and that’s not true,” says Weekley. “But you have to be careful during a flare.”

Avoid fruits and vegetables with skins and seeds intact. Instead, focus on cooked veggies rather than raw to avoid irritating your gut. Mixed fruit in a smoothie can also be a great way to get a variety of fruit in your diet during a flare up.

Many people find that bananas or canned pears are more beautiful than an apple or a bowl of raspberries, for example. Also steer clear of other gassy veggies like broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. “They’re high in fiber and gas-producing — kind of a double whammy,” says Weekley.

4. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds can be rough – literally. Their sharp edges can irritate the lining of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. “But people often tolerate ground nuts or seeds,” notes Weekley, so consider trying smooth peanut butter, almond butter or sesame tahini.

5. Alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol can be irritating to anyone’s GI tract, especially people who already experience stomach symptoms. That goes for all types of alcoholic beverages.

“Beer, wine and liquor are not great choices if you have symptoms,” says Weekley.

Caffeinated drinks can also be a problem. “Caffeine increases the wave-like motion of the GI tract, which propels waste through the system,” she explains. “If you tend to have diarrhea with a Crohn’s flare, caffeine can make your symptoms worse.”

6. Sweeteners

Sugary drinks like soda, fruit juice and lemonade can cause more diarrhea when you have a flare up. So-called “sugar alcohols” are also a problem.

These are sweeteners used in sugar-free gum, candy and some drinks. They go by names such as xylitol, sorbitol and maltitol, which are listed on the nutrition facts label.

“In many people, these ingredients are poorly absorbed, which can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea,” says Weekley.

7. Dairy

Contrary to popular belief, many people with Crohn’s can eat dairy products without worry, explains Weekley. But when you have symptoms, full-fat dairy products (like whole milk, ice cream and sour cream) can be a problem, so step away from the fettuccini alfredo.

“Lactose-free dairy may be better tolerated when you have a flare-up. For example, lactose-free milk, yogurt and low-lactose cheeses such as Swiss, feta, parmesan or cheddar are well tolerated,” she says.

8. Spicy foods

It’s optional, you won’t be tempted to reach for the hot sauce if you have IBD symptoms.

“Most people who have flare-ups aren’t eating chili or spicy burritos,” says Weekley.

Trust that instinct. Spices like chili powder, cayenne pepper and spicy coriander can add heat to a inflamed GI tract.

9. Fatty, greasy foods

“It’s hard for your body to deal with the amount of fat in fast food and other fatty, greasy foods like sausage or salami,” says Weekley. And when food is difficult to break down, it puts unnecessary strain on an already stressed GI tract. So maybe the next time you’re thinking of a drive thru, go for a grilled chicken lean instead.

What to eat when you have a flare up

You may need to do some sleuthing to figure out what works (and doesn’t) for you. Try keeping a food diary – jotting down what you’ve eaten and any symptoms you notice – to look for clues about the foods that make your stomach upset. And if you’re caught in flare-ups, don’t put all the food on hold. Try eating some of the following to give yourself the nutrition you need without further stressing your gut:

  • Soft, bland foods.
  • Fruits like applesauce or bananas.
  • Low-fiber foods.
  • Yoghurt or cottage cheese.
  • Fish.
  • Cereals.
  • Potatoes.
  • Cooked vegetables.

But when you don’t have symptoms, try to eat a balanced diet. You don’t want to avoid foods like whole grains, veggies or beans on a regular basis. “Malnutrition can be a problem for people with IBD, so avoid certain foods during a flare unless those foods trigger symptoms,” says Weekley.

Managing this lifelong disease can be a challenge, but a dietitian can help you manage your nutritional goals every step of the way.

“Crohn’s is different for everyone, so work with someone who can help you design an individualized plan,” advises Weekley. “If you have a dietitian in your corner, they’re going to be there so they can point you in the right direction when you have a problem.”

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