WhatsApp lobbying should be ‘subject to the same transparency as meetings’

Lobbying of Government Ministers by WhatsApp should be subject to the same transparency as face-to-face meetings, a committee of MPs has said.

But messenger apps and other non-corporate communication channels (NCCCs) should be blocked on official devices unless strengthened transparency measures command public trust, the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) also said.

The committee launched a report on informal lobbying in the wake of the Greensill scandal, in which the Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron – then a private citizen – took part in the firm’s bid to gain access to an emergency loan scheme for the coronavirus.

This period prompted widespread scrutiny of the Westminster lobby, and saw strong criticism of Lord Cameron’s judgment.

Cabinet meeting

Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron leaves Downing Street (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

In its report, the cross-party group of MPs said: “If WhatsApp and other non-corporate communication channels are to be used in Government and, in particular, if they are to be used to communicate with third parties, they should be used to communicate to do with third parties. be subject to the same disclosure regime as other forms of contact.

“Where exchanges through the NCCCs replace face-to-face meetings or stimulate significant consideration in Government, they need to be included in Government transparency releases.

“Unless an appropriate transparency regime can be found that can build public confidence, which we believe is not the case in the current arrangements, the use of any NCCCs on official devices should be blocked.”

PACAC urged Ministers to ensure that transparency issues are released in relation to lobbying of ministers and Government officials on a “more frequent and comprehensive” basis to help build confidence in the system.

These logs aim to reveal meetings, gifts and hospitality, involving ministers and senior officials.

The records are currently issued on a quarterly basis, and the committee recommends that this should be moved to monthly reporting.

The committee expressed alarm that releases “are often late, lack information, and often contain too little information to be useful”.

The scope of the releases should also be wider, he said, including lobbying the special advisers employed by ministers and “a wider range” of officials.

A lobbyist register was established by the Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigns and Trade Union Administration Transparency Act 2014, aimed at ensuring the transparency of such activities.

The committee recommended maintaining the current program, rather than taking steps to strengthen the law, unless its concerns about transparency were addressed.

“Despite calls for the Act to be extended to cover all lobbying activities, we recommend that a limited focus be maintained on advisory lobbyists,” he said.

“What we conclude from such calls is the result of frustration with the limitations of the Government’s quarterly transparency declarations.

“However, if these are not addressed, the case for a program of all lobbying activities should be revisited.”

PACAC also recommended that high-profile opposition politicians should voluntarily disclose any meetings with lobbyists on the same basis as ministers.

Former Conservative minister David Jones, acting chairman of PACAC, said: “Lobbying in Whitehall is recognized as a key element of our democracy, but current legislation and the transparency regime do not ensure that the public are fully aware of the impacts being exerted in force. in relation to policy making, both across Government and non-governmental parties.

“We welcome the Government’s commitment to introduce a single, integrated platform for transparency disclosures and look forward to introducing this as soon as possible, along with a move to publish transparency releases more frequently.

“Lobbying activity on instant messaging channels such as WhatsApp is increasing and we think there is a need for more transparency in this area, to bring it in line with reporting on face-to-face meetings held with Ministers, to increase public confidence. in the democratic process.”

A Government spokesman said: “As you would expect, the modern Government will use different means of communication, but we have clear guidance in place on the use of electronic communications, including WhatsApp.

“We updated this guidance in March 2023 for WhatsApp, to reiterate that all relevant information must be recorded through official channels. Both the High Court and the Court of Appeal were clear about the legality of this approach.

“We also committed in our revised transparency guidance, published in December, to stricter standards to ensure that transparency returns and publications contain relevant and instructive information.”

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