What Makes You Bad?

Sunflower oil can be a healthy choice when used at the right temperature. It contains high levels of unsaturated fats that are used in the body as omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for regulating metabolism and encouraging the proper growth and health of skin, hair and bones. Although the body needs omega-6 fatty acids, foods that are too high in the nutrient can lead to increased inflammation.

This article discusses the compounds in sunflower oil, the best temperatures to achieve its health benefits, and its potential effects on the body.

Abraham Gonzalez Fernandez/Getty Images

What Can Sunflower Oil Do Harmful?

Sunflower oil can be healthy when consumed sparingly and when cooked at the correct temperature (up to 450 degrees.) The higher heat of the oil can release toxic compounds that can negatively affect your overall health.

Omega-6 and High Oleic Content

Omega-6 fatty acids serve various bodily functions. They include:

  • Stimulate the growth of hair and skin
  • Maintaining proper bone health
  • regulate metabolism
  • Maintaining the health of the reproductive system

Humans need about 11-22 grams of omega-6 fatty acids each day to ensure the nutrient does its job. However, most standard Western diets contain much higher levels of these nutrients.

Because of that excess, people who consume too many omega-6 fatty acids put themselves at risk of widespread increased inflammation throughout the body and conditions that promote inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Oleic Acid and Your Health

The culprit behind the increase in inflammation after consuming too much sunflower oil is oleic acid. Oleic acid is a chemical compound found in animal and vegetable fats and oils. It’s often considered a “healthy fat” that can reduce inflammation, fight free radical damage, and keep your heart healthy. However, when consumed in excess, the opposite effects can occur. Research has shown that too much oleic acid in your diet can have a negative effect on your heart health, in particular, which can lead to heart failure.

Oxidation and aldehydes

Sunflower oil should not be cooked above 450 degrees as it releases potentially toxic compounds at higher temperatures. The smoke point of an oil is generally considered to be the cutoff point at which you should use the oil when cooking so when it starts to break down. However, research has found that an oil’s smoke point is not directly related to its ability to maintain the integrity of its healthy compounds.

Research has shown that compounds called aldehydes are released when the oil is cooked above a certain temperature. When released into the air, aldehydes can be:

Research has also found that the DNA damage resulting from excessive aldehyde intake may play a role in the onset of Alzheimer’s and other serious health conditions, such as heart disease.

What is a Smoke Point?

The smoke point assigned to an oil is the temperature at which it will start to burn and smoke. Compounds in the oil break down when overheated. It is often recommended to cook below the smoke point for the best overall effect in terms of flavor and health benefits.

Does Sunflower Oil Contribute to Inflammation?

Sunflower oil is often thought to be able to fight inflammation, but the opposite can also be true. Because of its compounds, such as omega-6 fatty acids, consuming too much oil can release inflammatory chemicals within the body.

Possible Benefits of Sunflower Oil

While consuming too much of these dangerous compounds can have adverse health effects, there are a number of health benefits that can be included in your diet in moderation. They include:

Comparing Sunflower Oil vs. Other Cooking Oils

A number of other oils can be used in the same way as sunflower oil. However, no two oils are completely alike. For example, the smoke point (the temperature at which oil starts to burn) varies significantly from one to the next.

Different Cooking Oils and Their Smoke Points
Type of Oil Smoke Point (Phases F)
Sunflower oil 450
Coconut oil 350
Olive oil 325 to 375
Avocado oil 520
Canola oil 375 to 450 to 450
Grapeseed oil 420
Peanut oil 450
Almond oil 430
Fake oil 475 to 500
Flax oil 225
Sesame 410 to 450 to 450
Oils smoke and burn at different temperatures, so they should be used to cook different foods to achieve any health benefits.

Is Olive Oil Better?

Olive oil has a lower smoke point than sunflower oil and should therefore be cooked at a lower temperature. That being said, because olive oil is more likely to remain stable at higher temperatures than sunflower oil, it is considered a good choice to use when cooking for health reasons.

Both oils contain “good” fats that can benefit your overall health. To say that one oil is better than the other would not paint the right picture because, although one is better than the other for certain types of cooking, both have healthy properties when consumed in moderation them.

How to Tell How Hot Oil is

You can tell if the oil is hot enough to fry food by placing a wooden spoon in the pan. The oil is hot enough if bubbles appear around the spoon and float to the surface. It is best to heat oil slowly to reach its smoke point.

Who Should Avoid Sunflower Oil?

Sunflower oil is generally safe to eat and offers several health benefits. That said, its pro-inflammatory effects when consumed in too high a quantity can be harmful to someone with a disease or disorder that drives chronic inflammation.

People who are obese may want to limit their sunflower oil intake as high fat diets can contribute to worse health outcomes in this group.


Sunflower oil can be a healthy choice for some people when consumed in moderation. However, cooking foods too much or too often can cause pro-inflammatory effects within the body. Its health benefits, such as reducing “bad” cholesterol levels, can be great for those trying to combat specific issues related to a high-fat diet.

When cooking with sunflower oil, consume it in moderation to reap its health rewards without putting your body at risk of increased inflammation.

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By Angelica Bottaro

Angelica Bottaro is a professional freelance writer with over 5 years of experience. Educated in both psychology and journalism, her dual education has given her the research and writing skills needed to deliver sound and engaging content in the health space.

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