What is a White Hole? Does the Cosmic Phenomenon Exist?

Black holes have long been in the spotlight as celestial objects from which nothing, not even light, can escape. However, theoretical physicists propose a less intuitive but equally interesting counterpart: the white hole.

Unlike black holes, which attract matter, white holes would repel it.

What are White Holes?

In astrophysics, a white hole is a theoretical phenomenon in which matter and light are emitted from, rather than drawn into, a certain area of ​​space. It is the opposite of a black hole.

You may already know that a black hole is an area in space where gravity is so strong that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light, making it impossible for light to escape.

Escape velocity refers to the speed an object must travel to be able to escape the gravitational field of a planet, such as Earth, and instead travel out into space.

The Theoretical Basis of White Holes

The idea of ​​a white hole is rooted in the Schwarzschild black hole solution, named after the German physicist and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, who formulated it in response to Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

When Schwarzschild was formulating equations that described black holes, he discovered that white holes could exist under the same laws of physics that govern black holes.

When his black hole solution was extended by a time-reversal variable, the black hole singularity was transformed into a black hole singularity – an area that would release matter rather than draw it in.

In the context of physics, time reversal means imagining a situation where time flows backwards, reversing the sequence of events.

The Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s equations describes the singularity of a point surrounded by an event horizon.

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

Einstein’s general theory of relativity is a theory about gravity, describing it not as a force between objects, like Newton’s theory, but as a curve of space and time caused by mass and energy.

According to this theory of general relativity, planets, stars and other massive objects bend space around them, and it is this bending of space that we perceive as gravity.

Essentially, things move along these curves in space, which is why, for example, the Earth orbits the sun.

What is a Point Singularity?

A point singularity is a location in space where certain quantities (such as density or gravity) become very large.

In simpler terms, it’s like a point where everything we can perceive in the entire universe – including the laws of physics itself – breaks down because everything is squeezed into a tiny space.

Physicists often use this concept to describe the core of a black hole, where all its mass is concentrated at a single point.

What is Event Vision?

An exit horizon is basically a boundary around a black hole beyond which nothing can escape – not even light.

Think of it as a point of no return; When anything crosses this boundary, it is pulled into the black hole and has no chance of escaping. This makes the event horizon the outermost layer of a black hole, defining the boundary where its gravitational pull becomes too strong for anything to escape.

As Schwarzschild theorized, in the strange case of time reversal, for example in a white hole, this event horizon becomes the boundary from which matter and light are possible. only escape, not absorb.

Quantum Considerations of White Holes

When you think of white holes as concepts in the realms of classical and quantum gravity, these ideas extend even further.

Quantum mechanics, combined with theories of quantum gravity, predicts phenomena such as Hawking radiation, where black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon.

By applying time reversal to these processes, some scientists speculate that white holes may emit matter and light in the same way as a physical process that reflects hawksbill radiation.

Are there White Holes?

The question of whether white holes exist is fraught with challenges. No observational evidence directly supports the existence of such objects in the observable universe.

However, theoretical physics provides scenarios where white holes could theoretically appear. One possibility is during cosmic inflation, or the “big bang,” in the early Universe, when a massive expansion may have stretched regions of space-time to create white holes.

Another interesting idea is the big bang theory, which suggests that our universe began as a white hole formed from the remnants of a collapsing parent universe.

Quantum Loop Theory of Gravity

Andrew Hamilton, an astrophysicist, suggests that if white holes exist, they may be the remnants of supermassive black holes that have undergone gravitational quantum transformation, reversing their roles from absorbing to expelling mass and energy. This theory is called loop quantum gravity.

This transformation may occur under the influence of dark energy or dark matter, which are known to affect the universe. However, physicists still do not have a clear understanding of how dark matter interacts with fundamental particles.

Links to Other Theoretical Frameworks

Exploration of the concept of white holes is relevant to several other areas of physics. For example, gravitational lensing — a phenomenon in which light bends around massive objects such as black holes — could involve white holes, changing our perception of the space behind them.

Furthermore, the idea of ​​a baby universe, which could be born from the outer layers of a parent universe via a white hole, connects deeply with the multiverse theory, suggesting that our universe may be just one of enough.

White holes also challenge our understanding of thermal equilibrium in the universe.

Since they emit rather than absorb energy and matter, they could theoretically act as cosmic seeds, spreading a density of energy and fundamental particles throughout the universe, influencing the formation and evolution of galaxies in ways which is fundamentally different from black holes.

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Original article: What is a White Hole? Does the Cosmic Phenomenon Exist?

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