What Does RAM Do to Speed ​​Up Your Computer?

Boosting PC performance is a common goal for both casual users and techies. One of the most common upgrades is to add more RAM, or random access memory.

But what does RAM do about making your computer faster? To answer this, we need to unpack the intricacies of computer memory.

Understanding RAM and its Role

RAM stands for random access memory, a type of computer memory that allows random access to data. This means that any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the previous bytes. This is different from read-only memory (ROM), which requires sequential access.

RAM is your computer’s short-term memory, and the machine uses it not only for gaming but for all tasks. Whenever you want to use your computer, the RAM is ready to store data and programs that the central processing unit (CPU) will need while performing a task.

Adding more RAM can make your computer run faster. However, the performance boost will depend on what you’re using your computer for and the RAM you already have.

  • For general tasksPlenty of RAM means smooth operations with minimal loading times.

  • For more demanding tasksfor example gaming, more RAM means better multitasking capabilities and performance.

Types of RAM

There are different types of random access memory, each with their own unique characteristics.

  • Dynamic RAM: DRAM is made up of memory cells that are constantly refreshed while the computer is on. It is the most common form of RAM in computer devices.

  • Static RAM: SRAM does not need to be refreshed as often, resulting in lower power consumption. When it comes to static RAM vs dynamic RAM, SRAM is faster.

  • Dynamic synchronous RAM: SDRAM operates in conjunction with system clock speeds and is faster than traditional DRAM.

  • Video RAM: The graphics card uses VRAM to store image data for quick access by the computer’s processor. This can improve your gaming experience and performance while editing videos.

RAM and System Performance

Extra RAM in a computing device means you can run the operating system and more applications at the same time. This reduces the computer’s reliance on virtual memory — a process in which the operating system uses hard disk space as temporary storage.

This is significant because using virtual memory is much slower than using random-access memory. Every time a computer loads new data, it usually gets it from the slowest long-term storage if it is not already available in faster data storage, immediately the computer’s RAM.

When you increase your computer’s RAM capacity, you effectively increase the amount of information your computer can handle at a given time, which can translate into improved performance.

This is especially noticeable in systems that started with less memory and struggled to manage modern applications. After you add RAM, tasks that once caused the system to slow down due to insufficient random access memory will improve significantly.

Specific types of random access memory, such as VRAM, are critical components for tasks that require high-speed access to video and graphics data (gaming, professional graphics work, etc.).

How Much RAM Is Enough?

The answer to this question depends a lot on the needs of your particular system and the types of applications you run.

Modern games, video editing software and other memory-intensive applications can benefit significantly from more RAM. This is because a RAM upgrade means your computer can store more data in the temporary storage of the computer’s main memory, resulting in faster access and processing times. Ultimately, this will lead to better performance.


A group of computer memory units. Maximum PC Magazine/Getty Images

8 Tips for Adding RAM

Upgrading your computer’s random access memory, or RAM, is one of the simplest and most effective ways to boost its performance.

However, the process requires a bit of knowledge to pull off correctly. Here are some important tips to help you add RAM to your computing device and ensure better performance.

1. Assess Your Needs

Before buying additional memory, consider how much RAM you currently have and how much memory you really need. Modern applications, especially high-end gaming and video editing software, can require significant amounts of RAM.

Check your system performance through your Task Manager (on a computer) or system monitor to see if your current memory usage often reaches its limit. For just gaming or general use, the amount of RAM required can vary greatly.

2. Check Compatibility

Your motherboard determines what type of RAM you can install. Check if it supports synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM), double data rate (DDR), or other specific types such as static RAM (SRAM) or dynamic RAM (DRAM).

Also, make sure the clock speeds of the new RAM modules are compatible with your motherboard. If you use RAM that supports higher speeds than your system, there may be a potential for lag. The memory will only work at the maximum speed supported by the motherboard.

3. Choose the Right Type

It is important to understand the differences between the different types of RAM. For most users, dynamic random access memory is sufficient, but tasks that require fast access to stored data, such as professional photo editing or 3-D rendering, may benefit from the faster access speeds of static access memory random or video random access memory. .

If your computer uses a dual-channel memory configuration, it is best to install RAM in pairs for optimized performance.

4. Set the RAM Capacity

Motherboards have limited slots for RAM modules, and installing more RAM than your system can handle will not improve your computer’s performance. Review your motherboard’s documentation or the manufacturer’s website to find out how much RAM you can add before you reach the maximum memory capacity.

It is also a good idea to check if there are any specific requirements for the configuration of the memory (such as installing it in pairs for dual-channel performance).

5. Install With Care

When you’re ready to install new RAM, first make sure your computer is turned off and unplugged. Ground yourself to avoid static electricity damage to the RAM modules or other internal components.

Open your computer case and locate the RAM slots. Remove any existing RAM if necessary, being mindful of the clips that hold the memory in place. Align the new modules with the slot, making sure the top of the pin lines up with the slot, and press firmly until the clips lock the RAM in place.

6. Upgrade in Degrees

If you’re not sure how much memory you need, or you’re on a budget, consider upgrading in stages. Start with a small increase in RAM to see how significant the performance improvements are.

A gradual upgrade can be particularly helpful in systems where a memory upgrade does not translate linearly to better performance due to other bottlenecks in the system, such as the processor or graphics card. Do some research to find out if and when those other components will need upgrading.

7. Optimize Your Operating System

After you install the new RAM, update your operating system to make sure it recognizes the new memory. Modern operating systems like Windows or macOS automatically detect and configure new RAM, but checking for the latest updates can prevent any potential issues.

Additionally, you can optimize the performance gains from your new RAM by changing your operating system’s settings for how it handles virtual memory.

8. Monitoring and Adjustment

After the upgrade, monitor your system performance to make sure the new RAM is functioning properly. On a computer, you can use the Task Manager to track its RAM usage and check for any potential issues; on a Mac, select “About This Mac” from the Apple menu.

Frequent swapping of data on the hard disk will indicate that you need more RAM. Regularly cleaning up junk files and managing startup programs can maximize the performance of your upgraded memory.

We created this article in collaboration with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

Original article: What Does RAM Do for Your Computer?

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