The woman who found 80 spycams in her house

Spyware found on online retailer sites used to enable domestic abuse (PA Wire)

The easy availability of spy cameras and the proliferation of smart speakers has made it easier than ever to target people in their own homes, according to a leading women’s charity. Even worse is that much of this tracking is being done by the locals.

In one case, more than 150 recording devices were found in the home of a single victim of domestic violence, including 80 cameras and 70 other recording devices. Some of these were everyday gadgets, such as Amazon Alexa devices, as well as dozens of hidden cameras that are freely marketed for covert surveillance of major online retailers.

Smart speakers – now often equipped with cameras and microphones – are common features in our homes. More than four in 10 homes have at least one smart speaker, according to Ofcom research published earlier this year, with 45 per cent of those owners owning two or more devices. It is now socially acceptable to place these devices in places like bedrooms, often without people thinking about the consequences for their privacy and that of their loved ones.

Even some smoke alarms now have built-in CCTV, ostensibly for security but attractive for other purposes. In reality, many time-pressed Londoners invest in these kinds of gizmos without thinking too much about whether it’s acceptable to surreptitiously track casual workers, such as cleaners or nannies.

Maybe it’s time to challenge ourselves if it’s reasonable to look at what other people are up to without their permission. After all, just because you can technically do something doesn’t mean you should.

Clothes hook spy cameras for sale on Amazon

In addition to the so-called smart devices, there is also a growing market for outright spy cameras on sites such as eBay and Amazon. These are often hidden inside common household items, such as radio alarm clocks or dummy smoke alarms, to make it difficult for victims to see them.

Amazon also sells spy cameras hidden inside clothes hooks, despite a lawsuit over the divisive gadgets.

Some reports claim that the products are easy to find on the company’s website. The Standard spotted several spy camera clothing hooks for sale on Amazon from third-party sellers. Some of the listings showed the cameras being used in bathrooms.

In March, a US judge ruled that Amazon must face a lawsuit from a woman who claims she was secretly filmed using a clothes hook in 2021. At the time, she was a minor, according to legal complaint.

“Amazon cannot claim surprise when a consumer uses the camera in that way,” the judge said.

The Standard has contacted Amazon for comment.

Clothes hook spy cam for sale on Amazon from a company called Nevarde (Nevarde / Amazon)Clothes hook spy cam for sale on Amazon from a company called Nevarde (Nevarde / Amazon)

Clothes hook spy cam for sale on Amazon from a company called Nevarde (Nevarde / Amazon)

Domestic abuse charities say these types of devices are all too easy to find. “If you type in ‘hidden cameras’, ‘spyware’, ‘spy on my partner’, you’ll get an influx of recording devices [and] secret hidden cameras,” said Emma Pickering, head of operations for the technology and economics team at Refuge. “They’re not pretending to be something else.

“We have tried to report [spy cameras] to Amazon and eBay many times and say we can’t see the purpose of this product being on the market and accessible for people to buy,” says Pickering. “It only creates harm and we have evidence that it does.”

Cameras in every room

Megan, a mother of two young children, was a victim of such espionage, suffering verbal and physical abuse at the hands of her partner for six years. Megan sought help from Refuge when her controlling partner confronted her about conversations she had at their family home when he was away.

With the help of the charity and the police, Megan’s house was raided which turned up the largest number of recording devices the police have ever found in one property. There were hidden cameras in the living room, kitchen, garden, sheds, bathrooms, children’s rooms and bedrooms.

The case highlights the lack of clear legislation regarding people using recording equipment to spy on partners in their own homes. Pickering describes the lack of legislation governing the use of recording equipment in homes as a “black hole” and the Information Commissioner’s Office declined to comment on the Standard when asked if it had any specific guidance on the use of cameras inside the home.

However, it is clear that the technology retailers and the Government need to do more when it comes to selling spy cameras. “They should be regulated and removed from platforms, so it’s not easy or accessible for people to buy them,” she said.

An eBay spokesperson said: “We prohibit the sale of any item that encourages illegal behavior and all eBay sellers are required to comply with applicable UK law and our policies. On the rare occasion that we find an item that violates this, we remove it from our site and take action against the seller. However, the lists you shared with us do not violate our policy.”

Amazon has been contacted for comment.

What to do if you think you are being spied on

There are many ways to track people with everyday technology. Here’s what to do if you think a partner or someone else is spying on you – and how you can stop tracking.

Do not remove trackers until it is safe

If you’re in an abusive relationship and think you’ve found cameras or other devices that track you, don’t remove them. Instead, seek expert help and create a safety plan. “It’s really important that you try to talk to someone to create a safety plan, but not do that inside the house,” says Ms Pickering.

“Use a safe phone if you’re worried your phone is being monitored, use a burner phone, use a ‘safe’ phone with family or a trusted friend. Call outside the premises and speak to someone such as the National Domestic Abuse Helpline [0808 2000 247].”

Download surveillance signs

There are often noticeable signs that abusers are installing surveillance equipment. “They’ll suddenly do a bit of DIY,” explains Miss Pickering, “because what we’ve noticed is they like to hide. [cameras] behind a light fixture and things like that.” Another common place for recording devices is the USB ports on the back or side of the TV.

Is my phone being tracked?

The easiest way to track someone’s phone is with the built-in services created by Apple and Google. These seem to help you find lost phones or children, but are often used by controlling partners to keep tabs on someone’s location.

On iPhones, you can open the Find My app and see if your device’s location is being shared under the My tab. On Android, open settings and search for “find my device” and see if it’s turned on for your phone. There are also plenty of third-party apps that track location, which may have been installed on your phone when you weren’t looking. Again, don’t turn off tracking until you’ve sought help and created a safety plan.

Other ways people can track your site

Apple’s AirTag devices are handy for finding lost luggage, but they can also be used to track people. It’s all too easy to slip them into someone’s bag, coat or car without permission. In fact, Apple has taken steps to make these trackers easier to see. If you use an iPhone, for example, you might get an alert on it if it detects a nearby AirTag that isn’t within range of its owner’s iPhone. If you’re an Android user, you can manually scan for rogue AirTags with the Tracker Detect app. The AirTag should also beep if it is separated from its owner only after a day or two.

Be careful of everyday devices

It’s not just a dedicated spyware kit that you need to consider. Many common devices also cause problems regularly. For example, Amazon Echo speakers have a feature called “drop in” that allows device owners to monitor conversations at home when they’re not there. Smart doorbells, baby monitor cameras, or pet cameras can also be used for similar purposes. Don’t assume that these innocent gizmos are always being used for their intended purpose.

For more details and guidance on e-facilitated abuse, check out the Refuge site.

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