The unwritten etiquette of flying with your dog

If you think the rules are too restrictive, you can fly with K9 Jets – a private jet airline that charters small planes in the US and Europe just for dogs and their owners – Shutterstock

I’ve only flown with my dog ​​once – well, twice if you count the return trip – and suffice it to say, I probably wouldn’t do it again. So it wasn’t a disaster – my late Manchester terrier, Milo, didn’t bite anyone or relieve himself in the aisle, as one dog on a United flight did earlier this month, causing the redirecting an entire plane. But he barked from inside his cage for the entire 20-minute journey to the Isles of Scilly.

Milo was not traumatized by his experience; He happily yanked my hand to finally lead up the steps to the 10-seat aircraft for our flight back to the mainland after our holiday. But the rest of us probably were in some small way. Maybe it’s not as traumatic as the passengers dealing with the dog mess in the first class loo on that Seattle-bound airline.

There are some unwritten rules about flying with your dog – don’t mind any toilets in the aisle, or anywhere else on an enclosed metal tube 30,000 feet in the air. But there are some official rules, actually written down, too. First, in the UK, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) says that assistance dogs are the only dogs allowed to fly with their owners, such as sight dogs, hearing dogs or medical alert dogs; emotional support animals are not considered assistance dogs. Unfortunately for those of us with advanced travel plans, pets can only be transported in and out of the UK by plane when checked in as cargo.

However, across the pond in the US and Canada, and in continental Europe, many airlines will allow small dogs (usually up to 17 pounds) to fly with you in the cabin, as long as they are kept inside your specific carrier. size that fits under the seat in front of you. It might seem a little unfair (who doesn’t want to be a cuddler with Cookie as you zoom across the skies to the Canary Islands?), but all airlines require that your dog be kept inside the carrier at all times. This avoids unwanted mess on the flight and any disturbance to fellow passengers. But unfortunately – as the United Airlines incident shows – not everyone follows the rules.

The endlessly entertaining forums on Reddit are a gold mine of stories from flight attendants who have witnessed such chaos. “An ’emotional support’ pitbull charged at me when I was doing the safety demo… and the owner had the ability to get upset when we got them out,” wrote one user on a thread about animals traveling indoors ‘aircraft. Another complained that the problem is really the owners, with some trying to bring their pets into first class, where there is no padding under the seat. However, there was also some protection for the dogs: “Pets tend to be the most well-behaved passengers. “I’ve never had a dog threaten to bite me or bite me,” wrote one user.

Beyond the rules and regulations, of course, there is common sense etiquette that needs to be enforced. The first and foremost rule is: not everyone likes dogs, so don’t let your dog interact with everyone without their permission. In fact, this is a good mantra to remember when traveling anywhere with your dog, not just when flying. Other people have phobias, allergies or, if they are heartless, a general disdain for dogs, so it’s important to keep your dog to himself. This means that attention is not sought from passengers in the check-in queue.

It is essential to exercise your dog before a flight so they can relax on the plane, and make sure they have calmed down before boarding so you can be sure they are not going to -redirect a plane with a bad green – some airports have specials. pet relief areas installed for this purpose. Finally, it may be useful to give a few small training treats to help them regulate the air pressure in their ears during altitude changes (this is often the cause of most distress for dogs on planes), and give them a small, long lasting chew. help them stay focused and calm while you fly.

Now, if this all sounds a little too restrictive for your pet, there’s a better way to fly: K9 Jets. This private-aircraft charter charters small planes in the US and Europe exclusively for dog owners. It costs a pretty penny (think around £5,500-£7,000 both ways if you’re flying transatlantic), but if you’ve got five figures to spend on a flight to and from the States, you’ll be able to join a host other dog owners on your private jet, where the animals can lounge around at their leisure. “On a K9 Jets flight, all the pets sit on your lap or next to you in the cabin. No crates, no dark cargo spaces,” says co-founder Adam Golder.

While her dog should never have been out of her carrier on that United flight, I feel for that poor owner: there’s very little you can do if your dog needs to go. I know all about that: on that same trip to the Scillies, Milo gave our hotel lobby carpet a golden shower when the staff got too excited with all their fussing at reception. But perhaps it is an important lesson for all of us pet owners: the lesson is to be, just do. Don’t forget to fly with the dog and stay in the UK instead – we’ve got plenty of adventures right on your doorstep. Although it might be better to take the boat to the Isles of Scilly.

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