The Role of Mitochondria in Diet and Health

Understanding mitochondria
Mitochondria and nutrition: a deeper connection
Mitochondrial dysfunction and health implications
The role of mitochondria in aging and longevity
Nutritional strategies to support mitochondrial health
Future directions: mitochondria in medical research
Further reading

The mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, play a surprising role in diet and health since its function in energy production directly affects the body’s metabolism, which is also related to aging and longevity.

Understanding mitochondria

The history of mitochondria begins with the endosymbiotic theory, which asserts that mitochondria are primitive bacteria that entered into a mutually beneficial relationship with larger cells.1 Despite the lack of intermediates between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the unique DNA of mitochondria indicates its bacterial ancestry.1 However, the exact ecological conditions that led to this partnership remain the subject of intense debate.

Mitochondria are involved in processes such as metabolism and nutrient utilization, cellular signaling, oxidative stress, and antioxidant defense.2 However, their most famous function is the production of energy for the cell.3 This process is called oxidative phosphorylation.

Oxidative phosphorylation produces ATP, which are high-energy molecules used by cells.3 Depending on the demand for energy, more mitochondria are present (eg, muscle cells).3

Section of mitochondria. Image Credit: EreborMountain/

Mitochondria and nutrition: a deeper connection

The diet provides macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), and they are needed to produce energy, cellular components, and structures necessary for cellular functions.3

For example, some dietary strategies encourage the consumption of healthy fats that promote mitochondrial health.3 On the other hand, calorie restriction or intermittent fasting can increase its effectiveness by drawing the necessary resources from the body’s stores.3

Nutrients such as B vitamins, iron, selenium, and coenzyme Q10 found in the diet are also important to support mitochondrial function and energy production.3 In addition to their vital role in energy production, mitochondria also play a key role in intracellular calcium regulation, cell death, and redox balance.3

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Mitochondrial dysfunction and health implications

Mitochondrial dysfunction can result from a variety of etiologies, including genetic mutations, infections, aging, and physical inactivity, thereby influencing various disease mechanisms.2

Mitochondrial dysfunction in brain cells contributes to the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease (when impaired function causes the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques), Parkinson’s disease (when dopaminergic neurons are lost as a result of impaired metabolism), and Huntington’s disease (when abnormal protein aggregation onto mitochondrial). function). 2

In metabolic diseases such as diabetes, reduced mitochondrial function in pancreatic beta cells can affect insulin secretion, leading to insulin resistance.2 In the case of obesity, mitochondrial dysfunction in adipose tissue can disrupt the balance between energy intake and expenditure, increasing the risk of obesity. 2

Current research focuses on improving mitochondrial function and understanding the mechanisms leading to specific diseases. For example, the use of antioxidants such as mitoQ, which reduce damage or increase the biogenesis of this organelle through signals activated during exercise or through the use of chemical compounds, is being explored.4

The role of mitochondria in aging and longevity

Mitochondria play a central role in aging and longevity due to their central functions in energy production, cellular signaling, and regulation of cell death.

As organisms age, mitochondrial function declines.5 This deterioration is characterized by a decrease in the efficiency of the electron transport chain, leading to a decrease in ATP production and an increase in electron leakage, which can form reactive oxygen species (ROS).5 These ROS can cause oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA, proteins, and lipids, leading to further mitochondrial dysfunction and a vicious cycle of damage and inefficiency.5

Moreover, mitochondria play a role in the regulation of apoptosis.5 Dysfunctional mitochondria can trigger cellular pathways that lead to apoptosis, which can contribute to the degeneration of tissues and organs as part of the aging process.5

Conversely, longevity is often associated with improved mitochondrial function and resistance to oxidative stress.5 Caloric restriction, exercise, and certain genetic factors that promote mitochondrial health have been linked to increased lifespan in various organisms.5

Exercise and a healthy diet have been associated with reduced ROS and improved repair and improved turnover of damaged mitochondria through processes such as mitophagy, which may slow down the aging process.5

Nutritional strategies to support mitochondrial health

To support mitochondrial health, certain dietary choices need to be made.6 This starts by limiting the consumption of highly processed foods and promoting the consumption of legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and high fiber foods. 6 It is also essential to include sources of unsaturated fats such as avocado, salmon and olive oil. 6 Adequate protein intake and consumption of micronutrients such as vitamin C, B vitamins and magnesium are essential. 6

Choosing healthy food for your heart, life concept.  Image Credit: Antonina Vlasova/

Choosing healthy food for your heart, life concept. Image Credit: Antonina Vlasova/

These dietary choices must be individually tailored, as energy needs vary from person to person. 6

Another strategy involves adopting the ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that induces a state of ketosis, in which the body uses ketones as fuel instead of glucose. 6

This diet can reduce oxidative stress, improve mitochondrial biogenesis, and improve efficiency in ATP production. 6 However, this diet should be complemented with certain nutritional supplements to avoid potential metabolic complications such as ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, and hyperlipidemia. 6

Future directions: mitochondria in medical research

Research in the field of mitochondrial health covers a wide spectrum of areas, from genetic editing to the evaluation of the microbiome and its impact on mitochondrial functions.7 There are many clinical studies using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to modify genes within the mitochondria in order to improve their function or to change genes that contribute to certain metabolic diseases.7

In addition, the process that regulates the generation of mitochondria is being investigated, with the goal of increasing this process in patients suffering from specific diseases such as skeletal muscle disorders and Parkinson’s disease, where changes in mitophagy.2,8

A diet designed to improve mitochondrial health could be personalized, since nutritional needs vary among individuals. It is also crucial to understand how certain nutrients, when consumed in appropriate quantities, contribute to the functioning of the mitochondria. 2,8

From a medical perspective, many studies are still in their early stages.8 However, most of these studies focus on early diagnosis and intervention, the optimization of existing treatments, and the development of therapies that directly target the mitochondria.8


  1. Zachar I, et al. (2017). Cooperation in respiration: a critical review of the initiation of mitochondria hypothesis. Direct Biology, 12(1).
  2. San-Mulián I. (2023). The Key Role of Mitochondrial Function in Health and Disease. Antioxidants, 12(4), 782.
  3. Picard M, et al. (2016). The rise of mitochondria in medicine. Mitochondrion, 30, 105–116.
  4. The Best Foods to Support Your Mitochondria | MitoQ. (nd). MitoQ. [Online]
  5. Srivastava S. (2017). Mitochondrial Basis of Aging and Age-Related Disorders. Genes, 8(12), 398.
  6. Kyriazis I, et al. (2022). The influence of diet on mitochondrial physiology (Review). International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 50(5).
  7. Gammage, P. A, et al. (2018). Mitochondrial Genome Engineering: The Revolution May Not Be CRISPR-Ized. Trends in Genetics, 34(2), 101–110.
  8. Bernardi P, et al. (2021). Mitochondria in Health and Disease. Frontier Research Topics.

Further Reading

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