The Rock’s New Papatui Skincare Line is really good

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On the best person he ever met: My grandfather. You know how when you grow up, these men or women in your life just leave these indelible marks. He was always well groomed. He was a professional Samoan wrestler and a very big man – tough love. He had beautiful skin and always smelled good. Even at the age of five and six, it made an indelible mark on me to always want to smell good. Even if I never leave the house, I smell good, baby.

On her perfume obsession: Back when I could go to drugstores, before I became famous for wearing a fanny pack, I would spend so much time in the grooming section. And I would open every bar of soap just to smell it. I love fragrances – I love beautiful colognes and beautiful perfumes. And I’m always searching for my next scent. When creating Papatui, that scent, fragrance side of everything was very important. I am always renewing [my cologne collection]. It’s also a mood thing, it’s a vibe thing. I’ll have colognes that I haven’t worn in, say, a few years, I’ll put it on, and my body and chemicals react differently. I’ll try it again, and I’m like, “Man, it’s not the same reaction.” So I’m always on the hunt.

a group of bottles on a shelf


On his gym bag: The antiperspirant, the face moisturizer, the cleanser, and the toner. Toner is my secret weapon.

Why toner is their “secret weapon”: I was working with Emily Blunt, and we were talking about our skin care routines. And finally she asked me, “What toner do you use?” This was years ago. I said I don’t use toner. She’s like, “What? You don’t use toner?” She said, “It’s going to change your life.” So she sent me a few brands that I used, and honestly, to me, it felt like, “Ah, now I get it. I understand.” The tightening of the pores and the pH and everything I didn’t know as a guy but then he found out quickly. So, when we were putting together the Papatui lineup, I said to the guys in the room, “Let’s make a toner.” At first, they kind of thought, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, because men aren’t usually in tons.” And I said, “That’s exactly why we should do it.”

Why it’s important to have a skin routine if you exercise: I think a proper skin care routine will be part of the recovery. We only have one body, we should do our best to take care of it. We only get one skin, we have to do our best to take care of it. I began to understand that skin care must also be part of my recovery, because many times, as dudes, we think, “I will get to it. Sure, I will clean my face, but I will use but. bar soap to clean my face.” And it’s so hard – your skin feels like a Brillo pad afterwards. So for me, when I started looking at skin care as part of the recovery and being really accountable for it, and making sure that it’s a critical part of it, it really started to make a difference. And then the conversations I started having with my friends guys out there, even guys I don’t know, they are comfortable asking me all kinds of things: “What is your workout? Cheat meals? And what about the business business? “We all talked about cars, trucks, the U [University of Miami]. But the thought “Hey, what do you do for your skin?” it was always this quiet thing. Man, that’s one of the anchor reasons why, let’s create this product, and let’s encourage these conversations that we can have as dudes.

a person with a hand on the heada person with a hand on the head

Mark Seliger

On masculinity and acceptance of self-care: Whatever your ideology of masculinity is, it’s cool, I get it. The ideology of masculinity – you have to be a man and say feary things and do feary things – that’s good. But really, it’s the sheer scope and scale. In my opinion, what it truly means to be manly is to talk about everything, including – and especially – skin care. Like, for example, I feel like men have done a pretty good job, over the years, we’ve started to raise more and more the importance of talking about mental health and how important that was. . For years, when I was in Miami, playing football, there was no mention of, “Hey, let’s talk about mental health.” We have evolved. So I think this idea, you know, what masculinity means, to me, it means that you talk about everything, openly, confidently. For me, that is your anchor.

What might surprise people about his routine: That it is simple and easy and not complicated. There’s so much noise out there: “Try this and do it this way, and you’re doing it wrong, and this is the right way to do it, and you have to do it this way.” And then you get on social media, and social media can in many ways be a bit seductive. What I have found is that the best skin care routines are the simplest routines. Find a great cleanser – in the morning, if you haven’t showered, cleanse your face. And then at night or after workouts, cleanse your face. Moisturize, hydrate, with toner or not. Some of the Hollywood piggies have unusual grooming routines. But for me, it’s always been easy because it’s just the basic building blocks of skincare that you can’t go wrong with. I found that the best skin care routines are just the ones that are really simple, and then it turns out that there is no excuse, right?

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