The Irish Minister admits that the government has lost a referendum

Irish Transport Minister Eamon Ryan has admitted that the government has lost both referendums to change the Constitution in Ireland.

He made the comments as early indicators show a significant no vote on both issues.

Counting is underway in the few referendums on proposed changes to the Constitution.

The boxes were opened at 9am after the public went to the polls on Friday to vote on whether the wording of the Constitution relating to the areas of family and care should be changed.

Results for both will be announced separately later on Saturday.

Early scores show strong support for a no vote, indicating an embarrassing defeat for the government.

Referendum on the Irish Constitution

Irish Transport Minister Eamon Ryan speaking to the media (Damien Storan/PA)

“It’s clear we lost,” Mr Ryan said.

When it was submitted to the Green Minister that the government did not get the result it wanted, he said: “We didn’t get it.

“But you have to respect the voice of the people.

“We have to wait until the final count is done but if it’s a no vote, we have to respect that.

“I don’t think you can respect the people’s vote by saying ‘something went wrong, the people didn’t vote the right way’.

“People are dominant in this.

“They have to make a decision.

“It’s a complicated issue, both were complicated.

“I’d rather yes yes.

“I don’t accept that our campaign went wrong.”

He added: “They are complex issues.

“There were many reasons for voting ‘no’.

“We will continue to make sure in government that we listen to that advice from the public.

“It was never easy.

“It took a lot of time to come up with the wording because it’s not easy, it’s quite complicated when you try to change the Constitution anyway.

“We have not convinced the public of the argument for a yes vote.

“I think the next government will have to come back to this and think about the campaign and what arguments earned a no vote in both cases.”

Referendum on the Irish ConstitutionReferendum on the Irish Constitution

Members of the public arrive at a polling station in Dublin (Gareth Chaney/PA)

A low turnout was reported throughout the day, with less than 30% of registered voters understood to be in some areas.

There was a slight increase in polling stations as people made their way home on Friday evening, but the numbers are thought to have remained lower compared to previous referendums.

The two questions will be counted separately, and both results are expected to be announced in Dublin Castle on Saturday evening.

The family amendment will be counted and announced first.

The leader of Sinn Féin, Mary Lou McDonald, said that her party is “very much” in touch with the Irish public, despite stories that show that both referendums will be defeated.

Her party recommended a “yes-yes” vote in the Irish ballot on family and care.

“No, we are very much in touch with people, and you will remember that I said from the beginning, that we were very much in favor of removing sexual language from the Constitution, very much in favor of a comprehensive definition of families,” said Ms McDonald Dé Saturday.

“But we knew the government was short on caring words. They ignored the citizens’ assembly, did not consult the opposition or other stakeholders. They did not cooperate, and failed to convince.

“I know, talking to a lot of people, that people were left with an unfair decision to make and I think it’s very unfortunate that the government went on this kind of solo run, and they had their answer.

“I don’t think there was a lack of clarity for people, I think people were very clear when they came out and voted how they were voting and why they were voting a particular way.

“If there’s one big takeaway message from this, it’s that the government needs to support people with disabilities as full and equal citizens and support carers.

“I think it will be up to the next government to protect those rights.”

Ms McDonald said Sinn Féin will “return to” the “sexist language” in the Irish Constitution if the party is in the next government.

Senator Michael McDowell, a former chancellor and justice minister, who campaigned for a no vote, said the Constitution was a “senseless social experiment”.

Mr McDowell, who was part of the Lawyers For No group, said: “I trust individual voters.

“They looked at what was being put in front of them and said no.

“A lot of them will have a slightly different view of why they were voting ‘no’, but at the end of the day we live in a republic and the people are in sovereign power and every individual vote is as good as anyone else’s and this is certainly important. a denial of what, in my opinion, was an unwise social experiment with the Constitution.”

Labor leader Ivana Bacik said: “The result at this early stage is certainly disappointing for those who campaigned for a yes vote.

“I think and it is clear that it is the government’s responsibility because the government must first explain to the people why it chose and proceeded with wording that was so different from the wording proposed by our Oireachtas committee for gender equality, wording . that trans parties had given support.

“Why didn’t they go out decisively and sell it to the people because of what we saw from the government, especially in the last few weeks because no side was taking land, we saw a relentless campaign from the government.”

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Tánaiste Micheal Martin and Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald also voted in the referendum.

The family reform proposes to extend the meaning of family beyond that defined by marriage and to include those based on “lasting” relationships.

The care reform proposes to remove references to a woman’s roles and duties in the home, and replace it with a new article recognizing family carers.

The Constitution is the fundamental legal document for the country and it can only be changed with the approval of the citizens of Ireland through a national vote.

The campaigns have led to national debates about the role of women in the home, the State’s responsibility for care and the meaning of the family.

The Irish Government campaigned for a positive vote in both amendments.

He says the changes will strip out sexist language, recognize family care and expand protections for families not based on marriage.

The result of the referendum will be determined by a majority.

The counting of ballots takes place on a constituency basis at various centers throughout the country.

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