The 2024 Strawberry Full Moon rises near the June solstice to contact Antares

June’s full moon, also known as the Strawberry Moon, will occur on June 21 at 9:08 pm Eastern Daylight Time (0108 UTC June 22), according to the US Naval Observatory. Observers in the ocean will see almost Full Moon pass in front of the star AntaresAlpha Scorpii, the brightest star i Scorpiothe Scorpion, on June 20.

In New York City, the moonrise will occur at 8:49pm EDT on June 21st. The sun will set at 8:31pm EDT on that day. This full moon occurs the day after the The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year; full moons occur within a day of a solstice every 19 to 20 years. There is some dispute about what a full moon falling “on a solstice” means – it depends on how close it is time one wants to have both phenomena. For example, the Summer Solstice in 2024 is estimated to occur at 4:05 pm EDT on June 20, and the full moon is a little more than 30 hours later.

The moon will pass in front of – or occult – Antares the day before the full moon, but the event will not be visible from New York. North American sky watchers will see a very close pass of it the moon just south of, or “below,” Antares.

the full moon rises behind a domed building with a bell on its face.  the silhouette sits atop a tree in the lower right corner.

the full moon rises behind a domed building with a bell on its face. the silhouette sits atop a tree in the lower right corner.

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A full moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun with the World between the two. On the night side of Earth, that’s when viewers can see a fully illuminated moon. Full moons are calculated relative to the positions of the moon and the Earth; the time of a full moon is the same all over the world, which means that any differences seen in such timing are only due to their time zone. Although the moon becomes full at 9:08 pm EDT in New York, for a sky based in London the full moon occurs at 1:08 am local time the next day, and an observer based in the It’s Japan at 9:08 am local time.

Related: full moon June 2024: The Strawberry Moon follows the solstice

Although there will be many in the world alone look at the moon Passing closely past Antares, those located in the swath of the Pacific Ocean will see the moon pass in front of the star, the brightest in the constellation Scorpius, the Scorpius. One of the main cities from which this transit will be visible is Port Moresby, in Papua New Guinea, where one can see the moon approach Antares on June 21 at 8:10 a.m. local, according to In-the-sky.organd Antares appears to emerge from behind the moon at 8:34 pm

Other places where the spectacle can be seen include Suva, in Fiji, where Antares passes behind the moon June 21 at 11:04 pm local time and emerges at 12:21 local time on June 22.

Unlike moon phases, spotting occultations yes affected by the site. In case of occultations by the moon, our natural satellite close enough that moving from one part of the Earth’s surface to another can change the apparent position of the moon against the stars up to two degrees. Thus, an observer in Honolulu, which is further north than Fiji or the Solomon Islands, will see the moon pass just south of Antares, in close conjunction at about 1:33 local time on June 21; The moon will pass about 0.3 degrees south of the star, less than one lunar diameter (the moon is so bright that Antares is difficult to see this close).

Other regions will be on the day side of the Earth, so the Moon would not have risen yet or already set when the eclipse occurs.

Visible Planets

In addition to getting to see the occult moon Antares, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter it will also be visible in predawn skies; mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be mostly lost in sunlight for people in mid-northern latitudes.

Saturn will be the first to come up – the planet will rise at 12:34 am EDT on June 22 in New York City. Mars follows at 1:31 am EDT. Saturn will be in the constellation Aquarius, and, being relatively bright, will stand out against the fainter stars of Aquarius – Aquarius is barely visible in many city settings, so Saturn looks like the t -any bright “star” in that part of the southeast sky. Mars is known for its red-orange colour, and the planet is in the constellation Pisces, another group of mostly faint stars. By about 3:30 am EDT, Mars will appear about 10 degrees above the eastern horizon and to the left of Saturn in the southeast about 30 degrees high.

Jupiter rises just before dawn, at 3:51 am EDT; in New York the sun rises at 5:25 am EDT on June 22. By about 5 a.m. EDT, Jupiter will be 10 degrees above the east-northeast sky, and the sky will begin to lighten. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will form a line that makes about a 45 degree angle to the horizon, with Mars at 27 degrees and Saturn at 40 degrees in the southeast. It’s a fun exercise to see how close to sunrise the three planets can still be seen.

For both the planets and the sun, rising times will be similar in other mid-northern latitude locations such as Chicago, Sacramento and Denver.

For those watching the sky south of the equator, Saturn and Mars will appear higher in the sky by the time the sun rises. Because June 20 is the winter solstice there, it will be the longest night of the year. Another consequence of planetary observation is the angle that the ecliptic—the projection of the Earth’s orbit onto the sky and the apparent path of the sun against the background stars—makes with the horizon. Planets hug the ecliptic – none of them move more than a few degrees away. Mercury’s orbit has the highest inclination to the ecliptic plane, at about 7 degrees.

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From a mid-south latitude such as Melbourne, Australia (where the full moon occurs at 11:08 local time on June 22) sunset is early, at 5:08 p.m local time and the full moon rises at 4:58 pm local time. Saturn will rise at 11:17 pm local time, followed by Mars at 3:27 local time on June 23, and Jupiter – which is almost lost in sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere – rises at 5:38 local time. From Melbourne, around 6:30 am local time, the three planets will form a rough line from Jupiter in the northeast to Saturn in the north. As the sun rises later – at 7:36 am local time on June 23 – by the time the sky begins to lighten, Saturn will have moved into the west and will be more than halfway (approx. at 55 degrees high) to the peak.

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