Raw or Cooked Turnips, Which is More Nutritious?

Turnips are root vegetables. Younger “baby turnips” are smaller and sweeter than older ones, which tend to be more bitter and pungent. In general, turnips taste like a potato radish hybrid. As they ripen, their flavor intensifies. There are many different types of turnips. The most common turnip looks like a heart-shaped bulb that is white on the bottom and purple on top. Giant turnips are white like rutabaga and are often coated with wax after harvest to create a vapor barrier that seals in moisture and increases shelf life.

This article discusses the health benefits of turnips, offers some creative preparation methods for raw or cooked turnips, and explains why some people have problems eating this edible crop.

Turnips: The Benefits of an Overlooked Vegetable

Like other vegetables in the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae They are a rich source of vegetables—such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. sulforaphane and glucosinolates. These plant-based compounds have many health benefits and may help prevent chronic diseases related to oxidative stress.

Turnips contain antioxidants, compounds that promote overall health and well-being. Eating turnips can help manage type 2 diabetes and may protect against certain types of cancer and lower the risk of heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

Like other powerhouse vegetables and superfoods, turnips can help people stay healthy. The Centers for Disease Control classifies turnips as a power fruit and vegetable (PFV) because they contain 10% or more of 17 qualifying nutrients in a 100-calorie serving.

Turnip Nutrition Facts (Single Serving)
Energy 36.4 kilograms (kcal)
Water 119 grams (g)
Carbohydrate 8.36 g
Total Sugars 4.94 g
Fiber 2.34 g
Protein 1.17 g
total lipid (fat) 0.13 g
Sodium 87.1 milligrams (mg)
Calcium 39 mg
Phosphorus 35.1 mg
Vitamin C 27.3 mg
Colin 14.4 mg
Magnesium 14.3 mg
1 cup raw, cubed (130 g)

Raw Turnips vs

Can you eat raw turnips? Yes, turnips can be eaten raw. However, they generally taste better raw when they are younger and smaller. Cooked turnips of any age or size can be used in a variety of dishes and prepared in many ways. Cooking turnips can also give them more flavor.

Nutritional Differences

Nutritionally, there are pros and cons to eating raw or cooked turnips. For example, raw turnips contain more vitamin C: 27.3 mg per cup raw compared to 18.1 mg cooked.While eating uncooked vegetables may help with gut health and bowel movements for some people, for others, eating raw vegetables can cause stomach pain or worsen irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) due to their fibrous material.

Taste Differences

Smaller turnips are sweeter; large turnips are more bitter. The larger, riper turnips taste more like radishes and peppers than the smaller, more neutral ones.

Creative Ways to Eat More Turnips

Turnips can be enjoyed raw, pickled, boiled, roasted, mashed, stewed, pureed, added to soups, or prepared almost any way you would potatoes. Turnips are a healthy alternative to potatoes; they are lower in calories and have fewer carbs.

When preparing turnips, start by peeling the skin, cutting off the main root, and removing the celery stalks and broad leaves, if they are still attached. Not all grocers sell turnips and their greens intact. If your turnips get green tops, don’t throw them away. Turnip greens are very nutritious and can be soaked or steamed like other leafy green vegetables like spinach.

Smaller, sweeter turnips can be sliced ​​into wedges and eaten raw like an apple. Raw baby turnips can be sliced ​​or diced and used in salads. Raw turnips can also be grated and used as a garnish.

Shouldn’t anyone eat turnips?

People taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) such as Warfarin should be careful about suddenly eating large amounts of turnips as they are quite high in vitamin K, which interferes with these medicines.

Turnips also contain goitrogens, which affect thyroid function. Cooking turnips reduces goitrogen levels, but people with thyroid problems should talk to a health care provider before ingesting turnips or others. goitrogenic foods into their diet.


Turnips are roots that taste like a mixture of radishes and potatoes. They can be eaten raw or cooked. The smaller turnips have a sweeter taste and are less bitter than the larger ones. Turnips taste better when cooked. Boiling or roasting turnips in the oven are easy methods. This root vegetable is often blended into mashed potatoes or used in soups. Being a cruciferous vegetable and a “powerhouse” food, turnips have many health benefits and can help prevent chronic diseases.

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By Christopher Bergland

Christopher Bergland is a retired ultra-endurance athlete and medical writer and science reporter.

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