Precise nutrition makes food a medicine News, Sports, Jobs

The study of nutrition is not much of a science. We have very little data on the subject, and there are far too many variables (for us) to make an accurate prediction. Sadly, we know so little about the consequences of many substances that Americans regularly consume (especially the artificial ones), little attention is paid to the fact that, literally, “You are what you eat.”

The following is a common scenario. Someone goes for their annual checkup and is found to have elevated blood pressure. With little fanfare and no discussion, a prescription is written for a drug that this person may have for the rest of their life. And all drugs have the potential for complications. In addition, there is a cost, with some newer medications costing hundreds of dollars on a monthly basis.

Instead, what if the health care provider writes a prescription for specific dietary additions and changes? Few Americans see food for their medical symptoms, and instead look only to satisfy their hunger at that moment. Little attention is paid to the effects of various food items, the fast food burger and energy drinks, the ultra-processed snack food sitting on the shelf for months.

As a partial explanation, the contradictions and inaccuracies of the many recommendations given over the years regarding nutrition should be mentioned. “authorities.” It is true that the benefits and dangers of many of the foods we eat are still in question. Scientists issued various declarations that often conflicted with previous guidelines. It is understandable that many people have become disinterested in the research, and choose to ignore much of the good science that has been focused on the subject.

What if the provider gave this person with high blood pressure a prescription for dietary changes, listing certain specific nutrients and herbs, supplements and edibles? This is the essence of Precision Nutrition, a practice in its most rudimentary stages, based on the idea that what we eat affects our health.

A definition could be listed as follows. PN tries to make recommendations for a person’s nutrition, based on individual specific components of their genetic constitution, the person’s microbiome, metabolic profile, their overall health status, physical activity, dietary patterns, even considering socio-economic and psychosocial factors. Could precision medicine therapies be developed entirely based on diet someday?

For some people, Precision Nutrition will strike them as the latest fad diet. But research on the subject has increased, and the costs and complications associated with drug-induced adverse events are increasing. Don’t fool yourself into thinking these are minor features. In one year, more than 100 billion US dollars went to treat these. Over one hundred thousand deaths occur each year as a result of these complications associated with pharmacological therapies.

Just to be clear, not all herbs and “natural foods” which is benign. Consuming excessive quantities of any substance over a long period of time will cause problems. Avocados are considered a healthy food, but if you only eat them for a year, you’ll get sick (and I’ve seen it!)

Nature prefers balance, eating a variety of greens, healthy proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential vitamins, etc. But it is much less likely and actually difficult to get an adverse reaction from food items. Precision Nutrition (aka Nutriceutical Medicine, aka Precision Medicine) is going several steps further, suggesting that illness can be treated, ie controlled or resolved, by ingesting some specific substances in certain quantities.

The concept is quite ambitious and will clearly require a more quantitative and detailed understanding of the complex relationships between the individual, their total nutrient intake, socio-economic factors, and their genetics. This level of understanding is a long way from us, but many now recognize the importance and potential of food as medicine.

It is a critical question: “What should I eat to be healthy?” There are fundamental differences from one person to another. What is healthy for one person may not be for another. In addition, age is also a factor, as it is in all discussions of health and fitness. Our responses to diet change over time and must be accounted for when prescribing anything, drugs or food.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of subterfuge and propaganda from the big food industry, which has a dedicated campaign of misinformation on the subject. The American diet, although improving according to some studies, continues to lead to higher levels of obesity, heart disease, and other lifestyle diseases. Finances are certainly a factor for many working Americans as they struggle to keep the lights on. But how can food be good for you if it is made in industrial plants and consists mainly of chemicals?

As a culture, we need to know more about our diet and its relationship to health and well-being. Further research on this issue, in the future, may hold promise for Precision Nutrition, but we have a long way to go, with most Americans eating dinner rather than meal planning. Still, there may be a time when a nice turmeric-flavored stir fry might be prescribed for you to beat your pancreatitis. Not such a bad recipe after all!

Dr. has offices. Conway McLean, DABFAS, FAPWHc in L’Anse and Marquette. He is a doctor who specializes in treating lower leg, ankle and foot problems.

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