Mother accused of murder plot and son stage scream show in court: ‘Oh my God’

The Adelson family matriarch, who is accused of plotting her ex-son-in-law’s murder, put on a show in court as she shook her head and screamed “Oh my God” when claims were made about her alleged plot. to kill.

Donna Adelson, 73, appeared in a courtroom in Leon County, Florida for her plea Monday in the 2014 shooting death of FSU Law Professor Dan Markel.

Her hostage was released when a prison officer explained to the judge that she was in solitary confinement because she allegedly made comments that she “wanted to die” and also made suicidal statements on prison calls.

Ms. Adelson repeatedly shook her head and laughed at the prison officer’s comments before Judge Stephen Everett decided he had had enough of Adelson’s comments.

“Ms. Adelson, please keep your comments to yourself,” Judge Everett said. “Let your lawyer [Marissel Descalzo] argue for you.”

Ms. Adelson was arrested in November at Miami International Airport one week after her son Charlie Adelson was convicted of his role as the mastermind behind Markel’s murder.

On Tuesday, Charlie Adelson came disheveled in court where he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder. Leon Circuit Judge Stephen Everett also sentenced him to 30 years on the conspiracy and solicitation charges, to be served consecutively.

Donna Adelson, 73, was arrested in November in connection with the 2014 death of FSU law professor Dan Markel (Law & Crime).

Donna Adelson, 73, was arrested in November in connection with the 2014 death of FSU law professor Dan Markel (Law & Crime).

When given the opportunity to speak, the 47-year-old dentist gave a brief statement telling the court: “All I want to say is that I maintain my innocence.”

Before the sentencing, Dan Markel’s father, Phil Markel, gave a heartfelt victim impact statement via Zoom, where he recalled the joy he felt during his son’s birth, and then described Markel’s many academic achievements.

“I miss my son with all my heart,” he said. “Losing a son or daughter should be something you have to go through.”

Mr. Markel then explained that Charlie Adelson “in particular,” was a “major reason for our heartbreak” in his son’s murder and “the loss of both of our sons.”

He noted that he and his wife have had limited contact with their grandson over the years, which he called “extremely painful,” and said they have “no idea” what he was told. the children about their father’s murder and that he believes they were “brainwashed.” He also said the children’s last name was changed from Markel to Adelson.

“The wheels of justice turn very slowly but for now we are grateful that they are still turning,” he said.

“It is a great pleasure to see justice, and it would be appropriate to ask for the maximum sentence for the perpetrators of Danny’s murder,” he said. “Thank you, today is a good day.”

Charlie Adelson was sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole on TuesdayCharlie Adelson was sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole on Tuesday

Charlie Adelson was sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole on Tuesday

Jailhouse calls emerged in recent weeks in which Ms. Adelson told her son that she was “getting things in order, creating a trust, and making sure her grandchildren are taken care of.”

“Donna discusses plans for suicide, but also discusses plans to flee to a non-extradition country,” according to the affidavit.

“Donna Sue Adelson has significant financial resources to accomplish this,” the affidavit continued. “On November 7, 2023, Donna and Harvey Adelson booked flights to Vietnam with a stopover in Dubai.”

Mr Adelson has been in prison for just over two weeks but claims she was subjected to “cruel and inhumane conditions” at the facility and wants out, preferably in time for Christmas.

Her attorney Marissel Descalz filed a motion last week asking that Ms. Adelson be moved from solitary confinement to the general community at the Leon County Detention Facility or placed on house arrest.

Ms. Descalz wrote in the motion that several prison staff members treated her with “cruelty,” including refusing her blood pressure medication and preventing her from showering for days at a time and allowing her to call her husband, Harvey Adelson, just once.

The judge denied the request to move from solitary confinement to house arrest and set her next court date for January 9.

Ruth and Phil Markel and Charlie Adelson listen to cross-examination by Assistant State's Attorney Georgia Cappleman last monthRuth and Phil Markel and Charlie Adelson listen to cross-examination by Assistant State's Attorney Georgia Cappleman last month

Ruth and Phil Markel and Charlie Adelson listen to cross-examination by Assistant State’s Attorney Georgia Cappleman last month

Ms. Adelson was arrested on November 13 at Miami International Airport as she and her husband tried to board a flight with one-way tickets to Vietnam. She was arrested and then transported to Tallahassee where she was booked on November 20th.

The matriarch was charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy and solicitation in the murder-for-hire of Dan Markel.

She is the fourth person arrested – the latest twist in the 2014 killing organized by Charlie Adelson’s ex-girlfriend Katie Magbanua, who was hired by her ex-husband Sigfredo “Tuto” Garcia and his friend Latin Kings leader Luis Rivera to do. the murder.

Magbanua and Garcia are serving life sentences while Rivera is serving a 19-year sentence after pleading guilty to second-degree murder and testifying against the others.

Prosecutors contend the Adelsons conspired to get rid of Markel after a bitter custody dispute between Markel and his ex-wife, Wendi Adelson, Donna’s daughter.

Wendi, who has denied involvement in the murder and testified under immunity at several trials, has not been charged. Neither is her father, Harvey Adelson.

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