Experts consider what parents can do to keep their children healthy and growing.
Sarah Scott checked the factsSarah Scott checked the facts
As a parent, you naturally want to feed your child nutritious food. That is why it is understandable if you are concerned about the recent news that 60% of all baby foods do not meet the standards established by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The study, published in Nutrientsfound that baby and toddler foods on supermarket shelves fail to meet nutritional recommendations and none meet the promotion standards set by the WHO, says Daisy Coyle, PhD, APD, BSc, lead researcher for the study and to the associate lecturer in food policy at UNSW Sydney.
“We found that all but four products had at least one prohibited claim on the package, with an average of four prohibited claims per package,” says Dr Coyle. “These claims often give products a ‘health halo’, luring busy parents into thinking they are much healthier than they are.”
What the Study Says About Children’s Food
Tested by Dr. Coyle and her team 651 products across eight food retailers in North Carolina including Kroger, Costco, Publix, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, Aldi, and Ahold Delhaize. They also included products from the Safeway and HEB websites. Therefore, they looked at a variety of baby and toddler foods found in the baby food sections of local supermarkets in the following categories:
Dry cereals and starches
Dairy foods
Fruit and vegetable purées, smoothies, and fruit desserts
Tasty meals and meal components (including combinations of starches, vegetables, dairy, or traditional proteins)
Snacks and finger foods
Cherilyn Davis (Cecchini), MD, FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician not affiliated with the study, notes that the foods contained too little protein and too much sugar that did not meet the most common guidelines. In fact, researchers found that only about 30% of these products met WHO protein recommendations and only 56% met sugar guidelines. In addition, many of the claims made – such as “no pesticides,” “organic,” and “no preservatives” – are prohibited by the WHO.
“These results were particularly visible in snacks and finger foods such as fruit bars, cereal bars, puffed snacks, and pouches,” says Dr. Davis.
The truth is that these foods are convenient, especially when they go, adds Dr. Davis. Parents shouldn’t feel bad about that. “It’s okay if your child eats these types of foods now and then,” says Dr. Davis. “Consuming it in moderation is unlikely to be harmful.”
That said, if eaten daily, they could increase a child’s risk of obesity, says Dr Coyle. “Obesity in children ages 2 to 5 has more than doubled in the United States since the 1970s, with approximately 13% of preschoolers living with obesity.”
Obesity in children often extends into adulthood as well, which can lead to health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, she says. “We need better regulation for the foods to support the health of our younger generation.”
What To Look For When Buying Baby Food
Realizing that baby and toddler foods may not be exactly what they claim to be, experts recommend ignoring marketing claims and talking to your child’s health care provider or a dietitian for recommendations on what can feed your child. And when shopping, scour the labels.
“The ingredient list and nutrition label provide a much more accurate representation of what is in the product,” says Dr. Coyle.
For example, labeling of added sugar is mandatory on the nutrition panel in the United States, so Dr. Coyle for parents to flip through a product to check added sugar levels and pick products with the lowest amount of added sugar.
“Parents and carers know what they are feeding their children, and the only way to achieve this is to double check what is in the product,” she says.
Ideally, commercially prepared infant purées should have a small list of ingredients, usually just the main fruit, veggie, or protein, and water to ensure the right consistency, says Kimberly Kramer, RD, clinical dietitian with Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware Valley. “Baby cereals like rice and oatmeal should have extra vitamins and minerals, which are important for brain growth and development.”
Kramer also recommends not labeling foods as “good” and “bad” when discussing food in front of your children. A well-balanced, nutritious diet for little ones can include many foods, she says. “The key is to make choices from whole foods with limited added ingredients.”
Alternatives to Commercial Foods You Can Try
When deciding what to feed your baby or toddler, Dr. Davis recommends opting for fresh foods when you can that are low in sodium, low in sugar, and high in protein and nutrients like iron and calcium.
“Your baby can eat whatever you eat, so it can often save time rather than preparing a separate meal,” says Dr. Davis. “When they are ready for finger foods, look for soft, easy-to-swallow options such as banana, avocado, berries that you can smash, eggs, well-cooked pasta, flaky fish, peas, mashed potatoes, yogurt and flour -oats. “
Similarly, Chelsea Britton, MS, RD, LD, CLC, CNSC, a neonatal dietitian with the lactation and clinical nutrition team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, says that complementary baby foods with human milk or iron-fortified formula . Human milk and iron-fortified infant formula meet most of an infant’s nutritional needs for the first year of life.
“Food before 1 is just for fun,” she says. calorie or nutrient intake, at least initially.”
She also says that parents and carers are not limited to a few baby foods offered on the shelf. “Natural purees like yogurt, hummus, smashed beans, and smashed avocado are popular choices,” she says. “Meanwhile, pacifiers and teethers are often developmentally useful for older babies. However, they also have a lower nutrient density. These serve a purpose but should be used in conjunction with foods tables.”
Whatever makes the most sense for your family’s lifestyle is the best choice for your child, she says. Health care providers and dietitians can provide support and offer food ideas, but, in the end, the key is “better nutrition,” she says.
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