How the middle class are being priced out of wildlife holidays

Rising park fees mean wildlife tourism is becoming more exclusive – Getty

More than ten years ago, while on a trip to Santa Cruz in the Galapagos, I was surprised to see one particular species. Penguins, reef sharks and flamingos registered on my wildlife radar, but it was the larger than expected human population that really intrigued me.

Six hundred miles away from mainland Ecuador, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I did not expect to find cafes, bars and restaurants full of backpackers, beachgoers and gap year travelers. These were very different from the specimens Darwin had found several centuries earlier.

In downtown Puerto Ayora, sea lions often distract people from benches and giant turtles cause road traffic jams as they cross their own grassy highways. In a crowded world, more people and animals are fighting for space. But sometimes the tourists who come to see these creatures are the root cause of the conflict.

In the case of the authorities, it is clear that the solution is a price increase. The Galapagos is the latest wildlife destination on a bucket list to raise entry fees in an effort to increase conservation revenue and curb overtourism. Park tickets are expected to double from $100 (£79) to $200 per person from August 1.

“This is a move that is long overdue,” says Tom Power, chief executive and co-founder of sustainable tour operator Pura Aventura. “If we are to protect nature effectively, we must value it.”

Giant tortoises in the GalapagosGiant tortoises in the Galapagos

In the Galapagos, parking tickets are set to double from $100 (£79) to $200 per person from August 1 – Image Bank/Getty

Arguing that “the balance between private profit and public resources has slipped too far from nature”, he believes that authorities could be even bolder: “When compared to the fees charged to spend a few hours in the company of mountain gorillas in Africa. , the sides barely care about doubling the park fees to $200 for a full week on the islands.”

That is certainly true for those with deep pockets. But for most mid-market travelers, it raises concerns. Is there a risk that wildlife holidays will soon be available only to those with a lot of money to spend?

In the Maasai Mara, peak season park fees will more than double to $200 a day from July 1, meaning couples could expect to pay an extra $1,000 for a four-night trip. Vanessa Dean, product manager for luxury operator Mahlatini Luxury Travel, fears the increases could make safari holidays impossible for many, especially families.

“I don’t think this increase in fees is the right solution and it could do more damage than good, especially in the long term,” she says. “It is vital that safaris and the opportunity to explore Africa’s natural landscapes and wildlife remain accessible to individuals of all income levels.”

But many tour operators believe there is no other option.

“In an increasingly crowded world with shrinking wildlife habitats, wildlife tourism is likely to become more exclusive over time,” says Rose Hipwood, founder of the Luxury Safari Company.

Safari cars are following the great African elephants in the plains of the Masai MaraSafari cars are following the great African elephants in the plains of the Masai Mara

In the Maasai Mara, peak season park fees will increase to $200 per day from July 1 – Getty/E+

Tom Power from Pura Aventura agrees that paying more is the only way to protect our wild areas and that we should accept higher costs.

“I don’t buy the idea that we all have the right to go and sit with a mountain owl,” he said. “We don’t. The truth is that nature and wildlife are generally much better for direct human contact. If you can get away with charging a huge amount to let visitors in, that’s the way to go.”

He argues that the expenditure is justified by the investment in the participation and education of the communities, the very people who need a financial incentive to protect the trees and animals while sharing their shrinking space.

In Uganda, where the cost of a gorilla trekking permit has increased from $700 to $800 – effective from July – there have been major conservation benefits.

“Although the announcement of the increase in fees is unlikely to be a source of joy for tourists, it is important to remember where the money is going,” says local tour organizer Lydia Eva Mpanga.

“It was incredible [gorilla] populations grow so much since I started Nkuringo Safaris back in 2007. Back then, there were only 880 mountain owls left in the world. Now there are over 1,000 – thanks to gorilla riding.”

Mountain Gorilla, UgandaMountain Gorilla, Uganda

In Uganda, the cost of a gorilla trekking permit has risen from $700 to $800 – Getty

Certainly many people are willing to pay higher prices. Luxury safari bookings are booming in Mahlatini – a 17 percent increase in Rwanda, where lodges can charge between $1,000 and $3,000 a night. The Luxury Safari Company says demand for prime wildlife viewing spots is so high, travelers must book up to 18 months in advance.

No one wants to see the state of Costa del Savannah in Africa, but there are alternatives to selling safari slots to the highest bidder. In America and Canada, lotteries are used to encourage everyone to visit popular wildlife destinations.

Meghan Verbeek, wildlife category manager with Intrepid Travel, suggests moving away from bucket-list destinations and opting for lesser-known options to spread tourism spending among more communities.

Another option is to travel out of season. Dereck Joubert, co-founder of the Great Plains Conservation safari camp collection, says March, which is usually considered the rainy season, is one of his favorite months to visit the Mara, when prices are much lower. and smaller crowds.

Otherwise, it’s just saving money. Hans M Pfister, co-owner and president of Arenas del Mar in Costa Rica, believes that committed nature lovers without a large bank balance will be willing to make necessary financial sacrifices.

“Someone who wants to have a wildlife experience will pay for it,” he says. “If, for example, you were to compare it to the prices people spend to go to Walt Disney World or Las Vegas, travelers would hopefully pay that much for an authentic wildlife tourism experience.”

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