Fake eclipse sunglasses can damage your eyes – don’t be duped, these options are the best deal

Turn around, bright eyes: A total eclipse requires total protection: These will help you safely check out this very special event.

You’ve probably heard the buzz: A solar eclipse will be visible from the US on Monday evening, April 8, and now is the time to prepare. Solar eclipses occur up to five times a year, according to NASA. However, it is where you are located that determines whether you can get in on the astrological action. While everyone in the lower 48 states will be able to see at least a partial eclipse, people in some states will be treated to something much more dramatic: totality, when the moon completely blocks the sun (for more on the eclipse and what you are ‘. You will see in your region, read our full eclipse guide.)

A total solar eclipse is a big deal, and it’s understandable that you want to take in the spectacle. But you’ve probably heard that staring at the sun can seriously damage your eyes – and you heard right. “It’s not good to look directly at the sun at any time,” said Aaron Zimmerman, a clinical professor at Ohio State University’s College of Optometry. “The sun is so bright that looking at it for too long can cause permanent damage to the retina – the back of the eye – and a second can be too long.”

Your eyes can recover from very short exposure to the sun (like, less than a few seconds), said Zimmerman. But brief glimpses of the sun can also add up. “With the eclipse lasting two and a half hours, some scenes could add up to a significant amount of exposure,” he said. And “there is no known cure for eclipse-related vision loss.”

The good news: You don’t have to sit back and twiddle your thumbs while this amazing event unfolds above you. Special eclipse sunglasses let you check out the action safely. But since knock-offs are inevitable and everywhere, you must choose carefully.

What are eclipse sunglasses?

Eclipse sunglasses block all but a small fraction of the sun’s UV, visible and infrared light, allowing through a safe amount that produces a comfortably bright view, said Richard Tresch Fienberg, project manager at the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Eclipse Task Force and co. -author Astrology for dummies.

“Solar filters typically let in somewhere between about one part in 100,000 – that’s 0.001% – and one part in 2 million of visible sunlight, producing a sun image that’s only as bright as a full moon,” a Feinberg said. “Eclipse glasses are at least 1,000 times darker than even the darkest sunglasses.”

How to find safe eclipse sunglasses

You don’t want to mess up your vision, which is why it’s so important to do your homework. “Safe sun viewers are those that meet the ISO 12312-2 international standard for filters to look directly at the sun,” said Fienberg.

The only way to truly know if glasses meet the standard is to have them tested by an accredited lab, but “very few labs are accredited to test for ISO 12312-2 compliance,” Feinberg said. His organization has compiled a list of glasses and viewers that meet this standard.

“If you have eclipse glasses that are safe—that is, that meet the ISO 12312-2 standard—you can look at them as long as you want without risk to your eyes,” Feinberg said. “But, in practice, the best way to watch the progress of a partial solar eclipse, or the partial stages of a total solar eclipse, is to look briefly every few minutes.” The moon moves so slowly across the sun that watching the eclipse all the time is not that exciting, he said.

Zimmerman suggested cross-referencing any eclipse sunglasses you’re considering with the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force list to make sure they’re from a reputable company. This is important, since there are already companies selling glasses online that claim to be certified, but are not. “The eclipse glasses should have International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 12312-2 labeling somewhere on the glasses. Make sure to find that label,” Zimmerman said.

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. Here are some options that meet that critical safety standard.


Soluna glasses are manufactured in the United States by American Paper Optics and are recognized as ISO-compliant glasses by the American Astronomical Society. The glasses have scratch-resistant silver polymer lenses and clearly state that they meet ISO standards.

$15 at Amazon


MKs solar specifications come in a pack of 10, so you can pass them on to family and friends. The inside of the glasses clearly states that they are ISO certified. The kit even shows you how to create a special lens for your phone camera.

$14 at Amazon


Do you want more traditional glasses for your eclipse viewing party? This three-pack from Eclipsee (get it?) has plastic frames for added stability. They are scratch-resistant and one size fits most.

$9 at Amazon


These eclipse sunglasses from Cheiseph have a cool eclipse graphic on the side and ISO certification spelled out inside. Crease lines on the sides help you fit. The 10-pack comes with a phone-camera-lens filter.

$17 at Amazon


Snag a five-pack for your family with Celestron EclipSmart eclipse sunglasses. Each has straps for a better fit, and the ISO certification is clearly marked inside.

$15 at Amazon


Are there children at home? A five-pack offers a three-colour CEIC for children, as well as two versions for adults. The children’s versions come in a fun orange color. All these glasses are ISO certified.

$17 at Amazon


Just shopping for a younger crowd? Lunt’s ISO certified junior eclipse sunglasses are designed for smaller faces. They also have an adorable graphic motif that kids will love.

$13 at Amazon

Try your glasses on before you use them

You don’t want to mess up your vision, which is why it’s a good idea to test the glasses before the eclipse. “Try using your cell phone flashlight to see or by looking at a bright light in your house,” Zimmerman said. “You should be able to barely see those lights.”

If you’re wearing the right eyewear, you should be able to view the eclipse comfortably, Zimmerman said. “If you can’t comfortably see the phases of the partial eclipse, your eclipse glasses may not be functioning properly,” he said. If that’s the case, stop watching the eclipse immediately.

Are you living on the path of “full”? You will see a period of about two to three minutes when the sun is completely blocked and you can see the eclipse without eye protection, Zimmerman said. “When the sun begins to be exposed again, it is in a partial eclipse and you will have to put on your eclipse glasses,” he said.

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