Eating well in middle age may help keep you strong in old age

New research presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Chicago found that a nutritious diet started in one’s forties can lead to healthy aging and independent living decades later.

“People who followed healthy dietary patterns in midlife – particularly those rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats – were significantly more likely to experience healthy ageing,” says study author Anne- Julie Tessier, PhD, postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. “We were surprised by the strength of this association even after considering several other factors, such as physical activity, known to influence health.”

Dr Tessier and her colleagues analyzed data dating back to 1986 on more than 106,000 women. Subjects at the start of the review were at least 39 years old and free of any chronic diseases.

The researchers noted that the women who followed a healthy diet from their forties onward were 43 to 84 percent more likely to function well physically and mentally at age 70 than those who did not.

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