Diversity is just window dressing for companies — how can they be so stupid?

So picture this: you’re deep in the media world, where everyone talks about “diversity” and “inclusion” like it’s second nature. It’s in every conversation, every memo, and every big event. But here’s the thing – do we really know what these words mean? And do we really care about what they stand for?

In reality, the terms “diversity” and “inclusivity” have become buzzwords, thrown around without much thought to their true meaning. They acknowledge corporate statements and meeting agendas. Yet there is a sense of complacency in the industry, where surface-level gestures are prioritized over real action. We need to explore more deeply what these concepts mean.

Let’s turn back to a big moment — the sad death of George Floyd, who was killed four years ago this week. Suddenly, every brand was rushing to show they cared, making big promises to make things better. From hiring more diverse teams to supporting marginalized groups, it felt like a turning point for fairness and equality. But as time went on, those promises faded. Money concerns came in, and soon, budgets for diversity and inclusion were dwindling.

The aftermath of George Floyd’s death has prompted a flurry of corporate commitments and public commitments to address systemic inequalities. However, as the initial shock wore off and attention shifted elsewhere, many of these promises began to fall apart. Budget constraints and economic uncertainties were convenient excuses to backtrack on diversity initiatives, leaving marginalized communities once again neglected and underserved.

Ignoring diverse groups isn’t just a moral problem—it’s a missed opportunity for brands to make money

Behind the scenes, cutting those budgets reflects a larger problem with how companies view fairness and include everyone. And here’s the thing: ignoring diverse groups isn’t just a moral problem—it’s also a missed opportunity for brands to connect with more people and make more money. It’s like leaving money on the table and not even reaching for it.

In my experience, diversity and inclusion within companies has often been a lone voice or a small group of passionate people, rather than being accepted as a collective responsibility.

While there are pockets of genuine commitment, the wider culture often fails to prioritize diversity and inclusion as core components of business strategy.

This fragmented approach not only limits the scope and impact of diversity initiatives but perpetuates a cycle of superficial imagination and participation. It’s time for companies to shift from individual advocacy to institutional commitment, embed diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their operations and foster a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

The erosion of diversity budgets and inclusion initiatives exposes deeper systemic issues within the corporate world. It shows a lack of real commitment to equity and inclusion, prioritizing short-term financial gains over the long-term progress of society.

By neglecting diverse audiences, brands not only flout their ethical responsibilities but also miss out on significant opportunities for growth and innovation.

Now, let’s think about who is hit hardest by all this – people who have always struggled to be heard. With less help and less chance of success, their voices may get lost in the noise. It’s a wake-up call for all of us to think hard about what really matters and what voices we’re really listening to.

Marginalized communities are at the forefront of this neglect, facing limited opportunities for advancement and reduced representation in mainstream media stories.

Despite the lip service paid to diversity and inclusion, these communities continue to face systemic barriers that impede their progress and perpetuate inequality. We need to move beyond symbolic gestures.

By neglecting diverse audiences, brands not only flout their ethical responsibilities but also miss out on significant opportunities for growth and innovation.

So what’s next? It’s time for brands to do more than talk the talk. They need to make things fairer. That means hiring people from diverse backgrounds, supporting minority-run small businesses, and making sure everyone’s voice is heard loud and clear.

There is good news, however. Brands are starting to get creative. Some of the most pioneering work is emerging here in London. From selling directly to customers to creating amazing events, they are finding new ways to connect with people. And that’s what it’s all about – building a world where everyone is included.

Looking ahead, one thing is certain: it’s time for a change. Change you don’t say diversity and inclusion, unless you really mean it. If you really want to make a change, have that change.

Ibrahim Kamara is CEO and co-founder of GUAP magazine

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