Benefits, Nutrition, How to Cook and Eat

Artichokes are one of the many types of green vegetables, but are they good for you? Whether you use artichoke hearts or artichoke extract, there are several benefits to consuming artichokes.

Artichoke nutrition includes fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which can help support your cardiovascular and immune systems. Here’s more about the benefits and risks of artichokes and how to incorporate them into meals.

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One medium-sized artichoke packs nearly seven grams (g) of fiber. This amount of fiber is about one third of the average daily value.

Consuming the recommended daily value of fiber helps manage weight and promotes regular bowel movements. Fiber also plays a key role in regulating blood sugar and insulin levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes. It also nourishes gut bacteria, which boosts your immunity and mood and reduces inflammation.

One medium-sized artichoke provides almost 20% of the average daily values ​​of folate and vitamin K and about 10% of the recommended daily values ​​of vitamin C, magnesium, manganese and potassium. They are helpful because:

  • Folate it helps make DNA and helps cell division.
  • Vitamin Kwhich helps blood clot properly, it also helps bone formation.
  • Vitamin Can age-fighting antioxidant, it helps you boost immunity and produce collagen.
  • Magnesium good for your muscles, nerves, blood sugar, and blood pressure.
  • Manganese produces collagen and supports bone health.
  • Potassium it supports heart function, helps with muscle contractions, and regulates blood pressure.

Artichokes also provide your body with a significant amount of antioxidants, which protect cells from premature aging and dysfunction. They also limit any cell damage and support recovery after exercise.

Some evidence suggests that artichokes may be beneficial for high blood pressure – also known as hypertension. Researchers found that among people with high blood pressure, 12 weeks of artichoke significantly reduced their blood pressure.

High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. These are two of the leading causes of death in the US

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the US. Eating healthy, managing your weight, and staying active can help prevent NAFLD. Artichoke leaf extract – a concentrated amount of substances found in artichokes, usually available in powder or tablet forms – may also play a role.

In one study, researchers conducted a trial that included 100 people with NAFLD. Participants were randomly assigned to take either 600 milligrams (mg) of artichoke leaf extract daily or a placebo for two months. Compared to those assigned placebos, those assigned the artichoke leaf extract experienced:

  • Liver size and blood markers improvements
  • Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol – known as “bad” cholesterol – decrease
  • Reduction in triglyceride level

You should check with a healthcare provider before using a supplement like artichoke leaf extract. Supplements can have different effects depending on dosage, frequency, and medication interactions.

Prebiotics feed beneficial gut bacteria that help with digestive health, immunity and mood. The green artichokes you see at the grocery store are globe artichokes. Another type of artichoke, completely unrelated to the usual green plant, is the Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichokes are an excellent source of inulin and provide prebiotics. Unlike round artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes do not have green skin and toothed leaves. They look nothing like round artichokes. They are related to sunflowers, sometimes called sunchokes. You can eat raw or cooked tubers, which look like a cross between a white potato and a ginger root.

A medium artichoke contains the following:

  • calories: 63.6
  • Fat: <1 gram (g)
  • Sodium: 72 milligrams (mg)
  • Carbohydrates: 14.4g
  • Fiber: 6.84g
  • Added sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 3.47g

Keep in mind that artichokes are high in FODMAPs. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, all of which are types of sugars. These foods can trigger digestive issues – including bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Also, although rare, artichokes can cause allergic reactions. For example, researchers have shown that skin-based allergic reactions occur after handling artichokes.

When buying artichokes, look for ones with a heavy feel and firm, tightly packed leaves. A fresh story is if the leaves make a small squeaking sound when you rub them.

To begin preparation, lay a washed artichoke on its side on a cutting board and cut off the top inch and a half. Cut off the stem, and place the trimmed artichoke in a bowl. Drizzle with freshly squeezed lemon to prevent browning.

From there, you can decide how you want to cook the vegetable. Depending on the type of artichoke, you have the following options:

  • Boiling point
  • Grilling
  • Frying
  • Roast
  • Steam

It is worth noting that some cooking methods may have more benefits than others. In particular, boiling and steaming artichokes can help you get the most out of eating the vegetable.

Boiling point

One great way to cook artichokes is to boil them. Research has shown that boiling artichokes increased the antioxidant levels of the vegetable. They can also be softer if you boil them.


You could also consider steaming your artichokes. Researchers found that this method offered the best overall nutritional value among cooked varieties. In addition, you may notice significant color changes from green to yellow when you steam them.

To eat cooked artichoke, open it up and remove the purple-starting leaves as soon as it is cool enough to handle. Use the edge of a spoon to remove and discard the fuzzy, non-fibrous, non-edible part – also known as the choke – that covers the heart of the artichoke.

You can enjoy it as is or dip it in hummus, pesto, or seasoned tahini. The whole leaf is not edible, so tear off the tender part with your teeth and discard the tough outer part. Finally, enjoy the delicious filling as is or with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

You can buy ready-to-eat artichoke hearts in the produce section of many grocery stores. They are also available frozen, jarred, and canned. Eat them as a side dish or add them to omelets, salads, pasta, tacos and more.

As for Jerusalem artichokes, you can eat them in ways similar to jicama. Grate, slice thinly, or cut them into matchsticks to eat raw, add to salads, or a pair to dip. You can also steam, boil, roast, or incorporate them into soup.

Artichokes are an underrated green vegetable that you may want to add to your diet. Artichokes are rich in nutrients and may offer potential health benefits, including liver health support, blood pressure regulation, and improved fiber and vitamin intake.

There are few risks associated with eating artichokes, with the exception of possible allergic reactions or FODMAP sensitivity for people with IBS. You can eat artichokes in a variety of ways, cooked or raw. They can be boiled, grilled, fried, roasted and steamed. To add them to your diet, you can eat them plain, make them a great side dish, or add them to salads or soups.

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