As he drank, took cocaine and sang Sweet Caroline, a sick rumor began to spread around the pub.

As he drank, took cocaine and sang Sweet Caroline, a sick rumor began to spread around the pub.

During a drug-fueled session in the pub, David Liptrot confessed. As word spread about the bar, tempers soured.

He ‘sickened’ his fellow punter, who informed the landlord that the 55-year-old had been admitted. When asked about the demand, Liptrot said: “If there are ever big problems, you get rid of them, you stop.”

As Liptrot sang Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline and snorted cocaine, his girlfriend Caroline Gore lay dead on her bathroom floor. After he got a break, he told another punter that he had killed the 43-year-old.

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After staff tried to call Ms Gore, the police were informed. Officers found Ms Gore’s body on the bathroom floor of her apartment.

Liptrot, of Shelley Close, Coppull, Lancashire, denied murdering his partner – who was described in court as ‘vulnerable’, having suffered mental health difficulties. But it took jurors just 90 minutes to convict him after a trial.

Caroline Gore, murdered by David LiptrotCaroline Gore, murdered by David Liptrot

Caroline Gore, murdered by David Liptrot -Credit:GMP/Family

Sentencing the man to 20 years at Manchester Crown Court today (August 16), Her Honor Judge Suzanne Goddard said: “Your conduct, knowing as you must have done, Caroline Gore was dead in your arms, noisy and showing that you forgave your protests in light of the fact that you truly loved her.”

The court heard how Liptrot carried out a ‘brutal, sustained and clearly forceful attack’ against Ms Gore on October 29, 2023, after arguing with her at pubs in nearby Atherton earlier in the day. Prosecutor Alaric Bassano previously told the court the pair had an ‘untimely, toxic relationship’ with “excessive drinking on both sides”.

On October 29, Liptrot joined Miss Gore at the Wheatsheaf pub in Atherton at 3.50pm for some drinks, but she soon became upset and started crying. At about 5pm there was ‘acrimony’ between them, with Mr Gore appearing upset and trying to get away, Mr Bassano said.

The court heard that Liptrot was ‘agitated’ and ‘banged forcefully’ on the door of the women’s toilet as he tried to find her. While Miss Gore made her way to the Dog and Partridge pub in Wigan, Liptrot went to her flat in Douglas House at around 8pm.

Douglas House, WiganDouglas House, Wigan

Douglas House, Wigan – Credit: Manchester Evening News

He remained lying until Miss Gore returned at 11.06pm. Seventeen minutes later, he left the property after fatally stabbing her.

The next day, Liptrot told a punter during his session in the pub: “I killed Caroline.” The court heard he disposed of his and Ms Gore’s phones – meaning their messages could not be checked – while disposing of the knife he used to kill Mr Gore in bushes behind a bus stop .

Police entered Miss Gore’s flat at 8.23pm on October 30, following concerns raised by pub staff. She was found on the bathroom floor slumped in front of the toilet with her keys on the floor next to her. Miss Gore suffered wounds to her neck, chest and stomach – causing serious internal injuries.

During the trial last month, Liptrot claimed Ms Gore was violent towards him – but when she was sentenced today it was revealed he had a huge list of previous convictions, including domestic violence – against both another partner and Miss Gore. The court heard that Liptrot had made 48 previous court appearances for 85 offences, dating back to 1979.

Police at the scene at Douglas HousePolice at the scene at Douglas House

Police on scene at Douglas House -Credit:MEN Media

Mr Bassano explained that Liptrot spent much of his life in and out of prison. He was convicted of domestic violence against previous partners in 2018 and 2021, and against Miss Gore in 2022 and 2023.

In October 2022, a restraining order was issued against her, which he violated twice before she was killed. On October 24 – five days before Ms Gore’s murder – he applied unsuccessfully for the restraining order to be lifted.

Defending him, Nigel Power said: “[Liptrot] He speaks warmly of the deceased and did so at times during the trial.” But wearing a gray Under Armor t-shirt in the dock, having nodded to supporters in the public gallery earlier, Liptrot showed no emotion as Her Honour, Judge Goddard gave him a life sentence.

There were tears and emotional scenes in the public gallery after Liptrot was told he must spend 20 years behind bars before he is eligible for parole consideration. Judge Goddard said: “Experience shows that it is not easy for women to break away from a man they love even though he has treated her violently and abusively.

Manchester Crown CourtManchester Crown Court

Manchester Crown Court -Credit: MEN Media

“It was you [Liptrot] she should have stayed away from Caroline Gore – not spoken to her from prison and rekindled the relationship immediately when you left prison.” She added that Miss Gore was ‘in no state to defend herself’ in her bathroom after returning home from the pub. .

After the sentencing, Duncan Thorpe, Senior Investigating Officer from GMP’s Major Incident Team, said: “This is a sad death. No one should have to suffer at the hands of their partner and this is a terrible and sad case in which Caroline lost her life. in a domestic violence attack.

“Our thoughts are with Caroline’s family and friends at this very difficult time. I know the sentence handed down here today will not bring Caroline back to be with her family, but I hope it will go some way to give them all some kind of closure to know what happened to Caroline and that Liptrot will be behind bars for a long time.”

In tribute to Miss Gore, her family said: “We as a family are heartbroken and saddened by the loss of Caroline. A much-loved mother, daughter and sister has been tragically taken too soon. For privacy and respect Caroline and in her memory.”

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