An anti-inflammatory diet to improve energy, mood and sleep

You may already know that stress eating isn’t great for your long-term health – mentally cutting down on unhealthy snacks when you’re feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained. These feel-good foods often do anything but: Science shows that fried, fatty, sugary, ultra-processed foods increase inflammation in the body.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is our immune system’s response to a stimulus, such as an injury or infection. In small doses, it’s good for you – it increases blood flow and sends the right immune system cells to the affected area, kicking your body’s defenses into action.

But low-grade inflammation that persists over time — like the kind caused by chronic stress — not only increases your risk for chronic disease, it also creates more psychological distress, which worsens the emotions which causes us stress in the first place.

While many of the processed, sugar-heavy foods Americans go to for the sake of comfort fall firmly into the pro-inflammatory camp, there are other foods that can actually dial down inflammation in the body. Anti-inflammatory foods are those rich in plant compounds like polyphenols as well as natural antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative damage to your tissues. Some of the foods that make the cut include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

This begs the question: If you live with chronic stress, could you go on an anti-inflammatory diet for relief? Uma Naidoo, a Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist and author of This is your Brain on Food, says the answer is – with a few caveats.

“In life, in medicine, in health, it’s never one thing,” she says. “A holistic approach to stress involves a bit of mindfulness and exercise, as well as eating better. But if you can only choose one thing to focus on, choose diet, absolutely. Food can make a difference.”

Stress management through food can work, but it’s not a quick fix. You are playing the long game. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint,” says Naidoo. “You are creating one of the fundamental pillars of health, and building slow and steady changes in your lifestyle.”

Anti-inflammatory diet

Simply cutting inflammatory foods from your diet will increase your energy, mood and sleep, but Naidoo says that consistent anti-inflammatory eating will change the composition of your digestive system in about a month. “A lot of us walk around with inflammation in the gut related to the food we eat, and it takes about 28 days for the egg to heal,” she says.

In general, your goal should be less processed foods and more whole foods. Changing in this direction will have lasting benefits, not only for your physical health but also for your mental health.

Grow good gut bacteria

2020 study in the journal Gut A Mediterranean diet, where fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats are reduced, has shown inflammation in the body by changing your gut biome, or the types of bacteria that live in your digestive system. Probiotic, fermented foods can also get your gut moving in the right direction.

Best foods: Greek yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut

Reduce cortisol levels

Cortisol is a hormone produced during your body’s stress response. Your adrenal gland releases it when you are stressed and helps manage your “fight or flight” response. Just like stress, you need it in small doses. Foods rich in magnesium can help your body metabolize cortisol so it doesn’t stay in your body too long. Magnesium can even help you get relief from stress by acting quickly by promoting relaxation.

Best foods: Avocados, bananas, broccoli, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, spinach

Regulation of stress hormones

Don’t forget herbs and spices. Some of your favorite pantry staples are high in anti-inflammatory power. “Garlic is a prebiotic that helps balance your gut by encouraging healthy bacterial growth,” says Naidoo. “And turmeric affects the hippocampus, which is a part of the brain that helps regulate stress hormones.”

Best foods: Garlic, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne

The fight against free radicals

Phytonutrients are compounds that give plants their rich colors. Most fruits and veggies are full of them. When you fill your plate with deep reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens, you’re loading up on inflammation protection. There is no end to the colors you can use to de-stress.

Best foods: Leafy greens, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, blackberries, beets

More on nutrition and inflammation:

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