A Plant-Based Diet Improves Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and Weight

A new study of 22 pairs of identical twins found that, compared to their meat-eating sibling, individuals who followed a vegan diet improved cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight in just eight weeks.

The results, published on November 30 i JAMA Open Network, suggests that anyone—even people who are already relatively healthy—can adopt a vegan diet to improve their long-term health in just two months, according to the authors.

Investigators specifically sought to recruit “living, breathing, walking” identical twins — not people with predictive heart disease risk factors such as high LDL (bad) cholesterol, being overweight or obese, the senior author says Christopher Gardner, PhD, professor with. medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center in California.

“Yes, some of the twins were overweight or had high cholesterol, but not many. They were already trim with normal cholesterol. And yet, the vegan group reduced their LDL cholesterol by more than 10 percent and lost weight. We were surprised that it happened so quickly and in a group that didn’t have high LDL cholesterol to begin with,” says Dr. Gardner.

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