Apple to start WWDC on June 10: What to expect

Apple’s much-anticipated Worldwide Developers Conference (AAPL) (WWDC) is just around the corner, starting on Monday, June 10, and all eyes are set on the new innovation that the iPhone maker will bring.

With speculation running rampant about Apple’s plans to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into its product range, investors are eagerly anticipating the unveiling of new products and features that could shape the future of the tech giant’s offerings.

Yahoo Finance Technology Editor Dan Howley gives an insight into the innovations and improvements that Apple could show.

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This post was written by Angela Smith

Video transcript

We had to talk about the always hyped global developer conference held by Apple and its annual event is scheduled to start on June 10 and with that, we can expect to introduce some new Apple products.

So, can we expect anything like the revelation of the Apple Vision Pro last year?

And how will AI affect Apple’s new products?

Our own?

Dan Halley, the straight man on screen joins us now for more.


Big fist pump here indeed.

I mean, I know you are hyped for this event.


Yeah, I mean, look, this is probably, probably, I’d say the most important event of the year at Apple, the most important thing is the unveiling of the iphone that reveals the iphone than you, you know what will happen.

But for this year, in particular, it’s probably the, the most important because they have the opportunity to show what they’re doing with AI if they’re going to catch up with the likes of Google Microsoft, um uh not so much meta or, or, or Amazon because they’re, they’re not as focused on, you know, the consumer goods, but Google is all about getting uh generational AI into the hands of consumers.

Microsoft is all about getting generational AI into the hands of consumers.

Both of them are doing it now.

Uh Microsoft has built-in its generational AI in Windows 11.

They’ve just announced a complete re-architecting uh re architecting Windows as well as its uh copilot plus PC CS a bit finicky naming there.

Uh And Google already offers some of its services through its Pixel phones as well as team with Samsung on their phones.

So this is about Google uh uh excuse me, Apple, really coming up and saying, look, we have this too.

And so, you know, you can expect a change in OS 18, you can expect changes in Mac Os, sir improved.

This is all according to Mark Gurman from uh Bloomberg who, as I always say, lives inside Tim Cook’s head, I think.

But you know, those, I think they’re basically going to be table stakes, for this event, they’re going to have to roll those out.

Uh And if they don’t, then uh you know, it’s kind of, it’s going to be a huge missed opportunity for them.

What kind of pricing power does Apple have?

You know, even looking through what could be announced in terms now, that the ongoing relationship uh with developers who will be able to develop some of the new incremental improvements in the service that Apple can supply through its software that goes. into these products.

What is the pricing that consumers feel comfortable paying when all these things are revealed?

Honestly, it’s a good question.

Uh You know, will consumers pay more attention to Jen Day?


I still can’t see that.

Um I, I don’t necessarily think that Apple will make this a subscription kind of thing.

Uh We’ve obviously seen Google do that with some of their AI generation features uh uh Microsoft also offering some paid services.

Apple, it has to be, look, this is built into your iphone, this is built into your Mac, your, your ipad, your uh your watch, maybe who knows where else and that will be right

I don’t think unless there is some additional feature going up to the cloud with some kind of storage option uh maybe uh or bundle.

I don’t think consumers will want to do more.

I mean, look, ask anyone you know who isn’t a hardcore nerd and they’re not going to pay for Google’s Gemini AI or, or what Microsoft has to offer.

I don’t think most people are willing to do that.

I think when it comes to pricing power, they can push developers to build AI generator apps and then those developers can charge for those uh apps on their own.

Apple is all about the devices, the products, uh the software although it’s very important almost secondary to that.

So I don’t think, I don’t necessarily think that people are going to want to pay more for something like this unless, and, you know, maybe they completely ignore me and it’s software of it is a form of transformation.

But I think people are mostly when it comes to these devices, it’s a screen battery life camera.

That’s what they’ll pay for.



Thank you very much.


Lots to keep an eye on for the big WW DC event.

Thank you very much.

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