Dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton: Should I still eat red meat? | Farm News

The subject of diet and nutrition has always attracted polarized discussion – one day something is healthy to eat, the next day it isn’t.

One of the foods most affected by this is red meat. But now the tide seems to be turning.

A new study published in the highly regarded American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that switching to plant-based diets appears to put us at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Looking at the results of 56 international studies, scientists from University College Cork in Ireland found that intake of zinc, calcium, and vitamins A, B12 and D fell below recommended levels when animal foods were removed from the diet.

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Health is wealth

These nutrients are critical for things like growth, immune function, eye health and bone strength.

The authors said: “We found evidence that diets aimed at reducing environmental impact may lead to lower intake and status of key micronutrients”.

This makes sense when you look at the better nutrition in a serving of meat.

Pork, for example, contains 10 vitamins and minerals at significant levels and is rich in high-quality protein.

Lamb and beef are similar nutritional superheroes and also provide a source of iron needed to make red blood cells.

These carry oxygen around our body helping to fuel our activities during the day.

In contrast, a typical meat-free meal has a lower protein quality than animal foods.

This is measured by testing the variety of protein building blocks – called amino acids – found in each type of food.

Plant foods are also lower in other nutrients, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc and iodine.

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On the other hand, plant foods are rich in fiber, vitamin C and polyphenols – which are not present in meat – so they are still essential to include in the daily diet.

The nutritional content of red meat was explored in another new paper published in the journal, Animal, which looked at the benefits of eating meat rather than choosing meat-free diets.

Red meat

Lead author, dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton, said: “People have been eating red meat for thousands of years because it is a very nutrient dense food, containing most of the nutrients we need for growth and repair.

“Not only this, some of the minerals contained in red meat, such as iron and zinc, are in a format that is better absorbed by the human body compared to plant or fortified sources”.

The review then looked at the benefits and risks of eating meat versus avoiding it, finding that a moderate intake of red meat far outweighs the risks.

Dr Ruxton said: “Studies linking high meat intakes to health conditions, such as bowel cancer, look at the diets of thousands of people with a wide range of lifestyles. t prove cause and effect.

“What we do know is that people can be in good health sticking to a moderate amount of meat – that’s five weekly servings about the size of a deck of cards”.

Meat free

According to the new review, the risks associated with meat-free diets are only being recognized.

These include low nutrient intake, especially vitamin B12, zinc and iron, higher risk of bone fractures and lower protection of muscle tissue.

In one study, which tracked people’s health for 18 years, meat eaters had a significantly lower risk of hip fracture compared to groups that avoided meat.

Another study found that animal proteins are more effective in building and maintaining muscles compared to plant proteins.

This is relevant for older adults where long-term loss of muscle mass can lead to weakness and even collapse.

With the percentage of adults in the UK following vegan diets balanced at 2-3%, meat and dairy foods continue to be important foods.

And that despite the widespread promotion of plant-based diets. The taste is a main reason.

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Consumer studies show that most people prefer the taste and mouthfeel of real meat compared to plant-based alternatives.

This led to leading food companies adding lab-grown animal fat to plant-based products to mimic the taste of meat, according to an article in Fortune magazine.

Not only is this likely to be unacceptable to vegans, since lab-grown products must use starter cultures made from animal cells, but it seems strange that they have to add animal flavors to make plant foods acceptable.

Why not enjoy eating lean red meat in a healthy, balanced diet?

Perhaps with the growing opposition to ultra-processed foods – which include many of the plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy – we will come full circle and return to the omnivorous diets that served our ancestors so well. .

That’s one good reason to eat red meat.

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