8 Health Benefits of Avocados: A Millennium Staple

Make fun of it all you want, but avocados are a staple of the millennial diet for a good reason—many reasons, actually. Unlike other members of the sugar-laden fruit family, avocados are very nutrient dense, explains Kim Shapira, RD, a renowned dietitian and nutritional therapist. Beneath the slightly lumpy skin of one avocado is a varied buffet of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and more – all that the body needs to thrive.

Avocados are also incredibly versatile. It can be the main event at breakfast, lunch or dinner – spread on toast, blended into chocolate mousse, or sliced ​​on top of salmon and a bowl of cereal. Avocado can even be whipped into sauces and mixed into dips (see your favorite guacamole). Their relatively mild flavor is the perfect vehicle for toppings and seasonings, and a little salt goes a long way to brighten them up.

Among plant-based foods, avocados distinguish themselves by offering healthy fats as well as fiber and potassium, which may explain why they are linked to such a wide range of health benefits. Here are eight ways that avocados could help your health.

1. They May Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

“There are a few ideas about how avocados protect against diabetes,” explains Shapira. “The monounsaturated fats and fiber in avocado contribute to improved insulin sensitivity, which helps regulate blood sugar while helping to reduce inflammation, which is a factor in insulin resistance.” Research supports this — one study published in the Nutrition Journal They found an association between avocados and lower fasting blood glucose levels, lower fasting insulin, and a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes.

In another study, 93 adults were advised to replace carbohydrates with avocado for 12 weeks, and reported improved glucose control at the end of the trial, as well as reduced cardiometabolic risk biomarkers and overall healthier dietary patterns, including intake fiber and more vegetables.

“Avocados are relatively low in carbohydrates and contain potassium and magnesium, two nutrients that are thought to be beneficial for glucose control and improving glucose tolerance, respectively,” says Kim Rose, RD, a nutritionist in Sebring, Florida. . Researchers say it’s difficult to pinpoint a single nutrient responsible for the lowered incidence of diabetes, but avocados, overall, seem to help.

2. Its Unsaturated Fats Are Good for Heart Health

Elevated cholesterol levels are one cause of atherosclerosis (thickening or hardening of the arteries) and therefore cardiac events such as heart attacks and strokes.

Avocados may balance cholesterol through healthy monounsaturated fats, which “help reduce the amount of cholesterol and other fats in the blood,” Rose explains. One systematic review and meta-analysis, for example, found that avocado consumption may reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol.

Shapira adds that the mineral potassium in avocados is linked to blood pressure regulation.

“Avocados also contain phytosterols, a plant compound that competes with cholesterol absorption, further helping our heart,” she says.

If you eat meat, Brookell White, RD, a dietitian at MyFitnessPal, recommends substituting some animal fats, mostly saturated fats, for fats from avocados. “Americans tend to eat too much saturated fat, and overconsumption of saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease,” she says.

3. An Avocado-Rich Diet Is Linked to a More Active Lifestyle

Study published in December 2023 American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that avocado consumption was associated with a significant increase in physical activity in Hispanic and Latinx participants.

It is not clear why exactly, and more research is needed, but the researchers wrote that the results may be related to increased satiety and therefore energy levels, thanks to the nutrient density of avocados. There is also some research on avocados as an effective anti-inflammatory in people with osteoarthritis, so pain management may contribute to increased movement.

Shapria adds that avocados complement an active lifestyle. “They help with energy, muscle function and recovery,” she says. “The combination of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals provides essential nutrients for our active bodies.”

4. Avocados are great for your gut

In a randomized controlled study of overweight or obese adults, those who ate avocado at one meal a day had a greater presence of healthy gut microbes compared to a control group. The study was partly funded by the Hass Avocado Board.

While more research is needed on the topic, there’s no denying that avocados contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is vital for gut health, says Rose. “Soluble fiber ferments in the gut, producing byproducts that help strengthen the gut barrier, improve gut function, and have a positive effect on the entire body,” she says.

Soluble fibers are also called prebiotics, which feed the gut’s good bacteria (aka probiotics) for a thriving environment. “On average, a medium avocado has between 13 and 17 grams (g) of fiber,” says Shapira. “The fiber will also help with regular bowel movements and help prevent constipation.”

5. As a Regular Part of Your Diet, Avocados May Help You Lose Weight

The aforementioned fiber content is also suitable for weight loss, because fiber – an indigestible nutrient – increases satiety. “Avocados’ combination of healthy fats and fiber promote a feeling of fullness, which reduces overall calorie intake,” says Shapira. ​One small study of 31 overweight or obese adults found that substituting a portion of avocado for carbohydrates in a high-carb meal increased feelings of fullness and hormones that control hunger.

Avocados can be calorie dense, so portion control is key, but adding some to a meal will keep you feeling full longer than other foods.

“Avocados also help improve metabolism by influencing how our body stores and uses fat, helping to reduce visceral fat, which is the fat stored around organs,” says Shapira. This point was illustrated in a study that found that avocados change the distribution of belly fat in women who are overweight or obese.

6. Nutrients in Avocados May Give a Brain Boost

Research has shown that an avocado-rich diet is associated with a variety of brain benefits, including improved cognition in the elderly (which, in turn, may prevent Alzheimer’s disease) and depression relief.

“Evidence suggests a link between folate deficiency and depression,” says Rose. Folate is popular for maternal health, but it also helps deliver blood flow, and therefore nutrients, to the brain, which can affect mood. “Since the body doesn’t make folate, it’s critical to get it from foods like avocados,” says Rose.

7. The Nutrients in Avocados Could Give Your Skin a Glow

A balanced diet is just as important for your skin as it is for the rest of your body. Avocados are full of healthy fats and antioxidants, both of which are linked to skin health. In one small study, UCLA researchers assigned 39 women to eat one avocado daily or to a control group that ate an avocado-free diet for eight weeks. The results showed that the avocado eaters had firmer skin on their face and increased skin elasticity. Although more research is needed, these results are promising.

Avocados are a good source of vitamins linked to skin health, including biotin and vitamin E.

8. Antioxidants in Avocados Are Linked to Sharper Vision

Avocados are also high in antioxidants and the carotenoid lutein. “These free radical fighters are beneficial for eye health and may help with age-related macular degeneration,” says Shapira. Lutein is known to prevent, or at least slow, the effects of eye aging.

​One small study, funded by the Hass Avocado Board, found that adults aged 50 and older who ate one fresh avocado daily had a 25 percent increase in their eye lutein levels at the end the six months. The study subjects also significantly improved their working memory and problem-solving skills.

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