5 Reasons to Lose Keto and Get More Protein From Plants

In diet culture, low-carbohydrate diets are touted as weight loss miracles, and we know them by name: Atkins, South Beach, and paleo. The ketogenic diet, shortened to “keto,” is one of those low-carb diets. The difference between the keto diet and others is that while one group recommends replacing carbohydrates with protein, the keto diet swaps carbs for fats. But while results appear to be quick, this diet, which has a history as a medical treatment, comes with some health risks.

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What is the keto diet?

When done correctly, the lack of carbs consumed on a keto diet puts the body into a metabolic state known as “ketosis”. In this state, the liver produces a substance called “ketones” from stored fats. These ketones provide the body with energy instead of carbohydrates – the body’s normal source of energy – resulting in rapid weight loss in many people. But, is that a good thing? And is the keto diet really healthy?

“It’s effective for weight loss because it removes so many foods from the diet and it’s a very restrictive diet. Any diet that eliminates whole food groups will cause weight loss,” explains Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD to VegNews. “However, this is not a healthy diet.”

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The keto diet that sends your body into a state of ketosis is not meant for everyday people. Physicians introduced it to the medical world back in the 1920s to treat children with epilepsy and seizure disorders and as an adjunctive therapy to reduce the risk of seizures. “Not for the average person trying to lose weight,” says Hunnes. Most long-term followers of the keto diet are not in actual ketosis, unless they are closely followed by a dietitian who knows how to develop a ketogenic plan.

What can you eat on a keto diet?

In general, a keto diet is 70 to 80 percent fats, 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates, and 10 to 20 percent protein. According to Harvard Health, this adds up to 165 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 75 grams of protein. To put these numbers into perspective, half a cup of cooked whole grain brown rice contains nearly 26 grams of carbohydrates. And, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that you get about 25 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake from fats.


For more details, the keto diet includes meat, eggs, fatty fish, high-fat dairy products, nuts and seeds, avocados, healthy oils, green beans, and vegetables that are members of the cabbage family. It restricts grains and starches (such as rice, pasta, and bread), all other vegetables, tubers, most fruits, beans and legumes, low-fat and sugar-free processed products, highly refined oils, sugary foods and drinks, and alcohol. .

the health risks of a keto diet

When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, this fast-acting eating plan is best left in the graveyard of fad diets.

But, you may want to consider a whole food plant-based diet long-term instead. Often abbreviated to WFPB, a whole food, plant-based diet emphasizes unprocessed grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It excludes all animal products and limits processed oils, refined sugars, white foods (such as bread, rice, and pasta), fried food, and many ready-made foods.


5 reasons why you should forget about keto

Let’s go over the health risks associated with the keto diet and why you might want to consider whole, plant-based foods instead.

1 Raises ‘bad’ cholesterol

The keto diet often encourages foods like processed meats, fatty meats, and butter. “Keto is dangerous for heart health when it’s very high in animal proteins and animal fats,” says Hunnes, adding that the diet can increase inflammation in the body. Although its exact role in heart health is unknown, inflammation is common in heart disease and stroke patients. “However, this inflammation is often hidden by the fact that it is a low-calorie diet, and a low-calorie diet can reduce the risk of high cholesterol levels,” a says Hunnes.

Many keto foods also happen to be high in saturated fat, which is known to increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood. A meta-analysis of more than 100 studies on the keto diet published in the journal Limits in Nutrition it has been found to increase the risk of both heart disease and LDL cholesterol buildup if used as a long-term eating plan.

However, studies have linked diets rich in whole, plant-based foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils rich in unsaturated fats to lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure , and reduced inflammation.

2 It can cause constipation

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are rich in dietary fiber, a nutrient that helps increase feelings of fullness and supports digestive health. But, a keto diet is very low in fiber from fruits, vegetables and grains. It is particularly low in beta-glucan, a type of fiber found in grains such as barley and oats. Studies suggest that beta-glucan also helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

In addition, beta-glucan and other grain fibers help you maintain a healthy gut microbiome, Julie Miller Jones, PhD, LN, CNS, and science advisor for the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Nutrition of the University of Maryland and the US Food and Drug Administration, tells VegNews.

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“So there are fans of the [keto] not only can the diet suffer from constipation and slow transit times, but the fermentation of fiber in the large intestine may lack protection,” explains Jones. “Fermentation of these carbohydrates promotes a healthy microbiome, which produces short-chain fatty acids that lower colonic pH, and are associated with lower growth of polyps and colon cancer.”

However, a whole-food, plant-based diet emphasizes a variety of high-fiber foods that contribute to a healthy gut microbiome and good digestion, reports a study published in. Limits in Nutrition in 2019.

3 It can lead to nutritional deficiencies

You may be missing out on important vitamins and minerals on a long-term keto diet because it restricts so many types of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. You can have greens from the cabbage family, but most other vegetables – including potatoes – are out. The only exception to allowed fruits are avocados and lemons. Therefore, over time, a keto-follower may become deficient in some nutrients.

A study published in Journal of the International Association of Sports Nutrition found that those who adhere to fad diets—in this case, two of keto’s low-carb sisters, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and the carb-heavy DASH.

A whole food, plant-based diet, on the other hand, encourages getting as many nutrients as possible from food, and thus encourages eating a wide variety of ingredients. But, that’s not to say it’s perfect. Anyone following any type of vegan diet should supplement with vitamin B-12, an essential nutrient that cannot be obtained from plant-based foods.

4 The weight loss is unsustainable

It is common for keto diet followers to experience rapid weight loss. But, that is no cause for celebration. Like many fad diets, keto is not meant to permanently change the way you eat. It is temporary, and followers often regain the weight they lost after going back to their regular eating habits.

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“Along with its health risks, the inability to stick to the diet is one of the main reasons why keto is ranked at the bottom of the US News and World Report diet rankings,” says Jones. “It’s also why prestigious organizations like the Mayo Clinic recommend it for intractable epilepsy but not much else. Therefore, while keto promotes rapid weight loss, it does not create sustainable eating patterns and therefore does not result in sustained weight loss for the vast majority of people.”

But, in addition to the other benefits of it, there is a study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine suggests that a whole plant-based diet may aid in safe, sustainable weight loss.

5 And other…

The keto diet comes with many other health risks and the biggest one that most people experience at first is something called the “keto flu”. Symptoms include clouded mind, dizziness, nausea, cramps, headache, irritability, and constipation. This medically unrecognized condition is known to develop two to seven days after starting a keto diet. . Its cause is not known, nor is it unique to the keto diet, and many people who have changed their diet significantly have reported similar symptoms. Additional negative side effects of a long-term keto diet suggested by studies include a higher risk of kidney stones, osteoporosis, and higher heart rates for athletes.

Although there is no evidence that the keto diet directly links eating disorders, many dietitians warn that restrictive diets, in general, can lead to dieters and disordered eating.

Plus, because the keto diet is so heavy on animal products, it’s not good for the planet, either. Industrial animal agriculture is the culprit behind 14.5 percent of global human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, while a plant-based diet puts far less pressure on the planet. So if you’re looking to eat more healthily and sustainably, a whole food, plant-based diet may be worth it. As always, any major changes to your diet should be discussed with your doctor first.

For more information on keto diets, read:

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