13 good results for any weight loss plan

Fruit provides high nutritional value, and research shows that eating fruit daily can help you lose weight.

Because fruits are high in fiber and water, they help you feel full, making you less likely to overeat. Grapefruit, apples, avocados, and watermelon are some of the best fruits to support weight loss plans.

This article discusses the best fruits for weight loss and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Andrii Zastrozhnov/Getty Images

Eating Fruit For Weight Loss: Which Is Best?

Fruits are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are good for overall health. They are generally 80% to 90% water. The natural sugars in fruit can help satisfy sweet cravings, while the fiber promotes digestive health. The high fiber and water content helps you feel full, so you’re likely to eat less.

Many fruits are promoted as “superfoods,” or nutrient-rich foods, because they can affect health and disease prevention in positive ways. These foods should be part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and lean protein.

Results Lower on the Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly carbohydrates break down and affect blood glucose (sugar) levels. High GI foods sell quickly and tend to spike blood sugar. Lower GI foods, such as fruit, digest slowly, which helps prevent those blood sugar spikes and keeps you feeling full longer. Lower GI fruits are usually low in calories and high in fiber and water, which can help with weight management. Here are some of them:

  • Grapefruit: Half a grapefruit has 53 calories, 12 grams (g) of sugar, almost 2 g of fiber, and is 91% water. Research suggests that eating fresh grapefruit can aid in weight loss.
  • Apples: A medium apple has 95 calories, 19 g sugar, and 3 g fiber. High-fiber, low-GI foods like apples can reduce blood sugar spikes and help manage weight.
  • Avocados: A medium avocado has about 240 calories. However, avocados do not have much sugar, only about 0.4 g per fruit. Regular consumption of avocados is associated with a lower prevalence of overweight and helps with weight gain.
  • Pears: A medium pear has 100 calories, 17 g sugar, and 5.5 g fiber. They are among the best high-fiber, low-GI foods for preventing blood sugar spikes and weight gain.
  • Raspberries: A cup of raspberries has about 64 calories, 5 g sugar, 8 g fiber, and about 86% water. The high-fiber, low-calorie combo helps control hunger and weight.
  • Oranges: One orange has about 62 calories, 12 g of sugar, and 3 g of fiber. It is also about 87% water. Citrus flavonoids may be helpful in managing obesity.
  • Strawberries: In a cup of strawberries, you will find about 53 calories, 8 g of sugar, and 3 g of fiber, with a water content of 91%.
  • Bananas: One medium banana has about 105 calories, 14 g of sugar, and 3 g of fiber and is about 75% water. Research suggests that bananas are associated with less weight gain, but the association is not as strong as apples, pears and berries.
  • peaches: A medium peach has about 59 calories, 13 g sugar, and 2 g fiber, with a water content of 89%.
  • Cantaloupe: One cup of cantaloupe has about 60 calories, 14 g of sugar, and 2 g of fiber, and they are over 90% water.
  • kiwi: In one kiwifruit, you will find about 42 calories, 6 g of sugar, and 2 g of fiber. It has a water content of 84%. Studies suggest that kiwifruit can be helpful in weight management.

A Word From Good Health

Although avocados are high in fiber, they are also high in fat, which packs a lot of calories and hinders weight loss when eaten in excess. Note that an avocado is about one third of a medium avocado or 50 grams.

Higher Glycemic Index Results

Some fruits are higher on the glycemic index but can still support weight management if eaten in moderation.

Benefit from one cup of it watermelon has about 46 calories and 9 g of sugar. It is also about 92% water but contains less than a gram of fiber. That high water content can help curb hunger for several hours, and watermelon is a healthy alternative to processed snacks. Eating watermelon instead of low-fat cookies daily for four weeks was associated with lower body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and waist-to-hip ratio.

Benefit from one cup of it pineapple has about 83 calories, 16 g of sugar, and 2 g of fiber, plus it is 86% water. It may be higher on the GI, but it is effective in helping you feel full and is a healthy alternative to processed sweet snacks.

Are some smaller fruits suitable for weight loss?

Some fruits are fine in small portions but less than ideal for weight loss. For example:

  • Dried fruits it is a healthy snack without added sugars. But they pack a lot more calories and a lot more natural sugars into a much smaller portion. It is easy to overeat dried fruit, interfering with weight loss plans. And some dried fruits have added sugars.
  • Fruit juices they tend to have a higher sugar concentration than whole fruit, which can spike your blood glucose levels. It is quite easy to take in extra calories through juicing.
  • Canned or frozen fruit make healthy snacks, but those packed in heavy syrup or with added sugars can sabotage weight management.

How to eat fruit for weight loss

If weight loss is your goal, just adding fruit will help. Instead, use fruit as a substitute for sweets and other high-calorie foods that have little nutritional value. Weight loss depends on taking in fewer calories than you burn. Most adults should aim for 1.5 to 2.5 cups of fruit each day.

There is no evidence that eating fruit at any particular time of day helps with weight loss. But whole fruits are the most likely to satisfy hunger and keep blood sugar from spiking. Here are some ways to enjoy these fruits:

  • Eat whole, fresh fruit as a snack.
  • Try unsweetened canned or frozen fruit.
  • Add a side of fruit to meals (a healthy substitute for fries).
  • Add fruit to foods such as cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, and muffins.
  • Make fruit smoothies, ideally with whole fruit, and be careful of other high-calorie ingredients.

It is usually best not to overeat, but most people find it difficult to overeat. On the other hand, too much fiber can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. And an all-fruit diet can leave you with nutritional deficiencies.

Fruit should be part of a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, dairy, lean protein, and regular exercise. No single food can help you target weight loss in a specific body area.


Most of the fruits are nutrient-dense and good for overall health. Because they are high in water and fiber but low in fat and calories, they can help you manage your weight. However, fruit alone will not help you lose weight. If the goal is to lose weight, choose fruit instead of calorie-dense sweets and processed foods.

Fruit should be part of a varied diet that includes vegetables, whole grains, lean and dairy proteins.

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  1. Sharma SP, Chung HJ, Kim HJ, Hong ST. Paradoxical effects of fruits on obesity. Nutrients. 2016 Oct 14;8(10):633. doi:10.3390/n8100633

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  4. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. What is the glycemic index?

  5. MyFoodData. Grapefruit.

  6. Fujioka K, Greenway F, Sheard J, Ying Y. Effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: Relationship to the metabolic syndrome. Journal of Medicinal Food. March 2006.49-54. doi:10.1089/jmf.2006.9.49

  7. Harvard School of Public Health TH Chan. Apples.

  8. Bertoia ML, Mukamal KJ, Cahill LE, et al. Changes in fruit and vegetable intake and weight change in US men and women followed for up to 24 years: analysis from three prospective cohort studies. PLoS Medicine. doi:10.1371/iris.pmed.1001878

  9. Harvard School of Public Health TH Chan. Avocados.

  10. Dreher ML, Davenport AJ. Hass avocado composition and potential health effects. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2013; 53(7):738-750. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2011.556759

  11. Heskey C, Oda K, Sabaté J. Avocado intake, and longitudinal changes in weight and body mass in an adult cohort. Nutrients. 2019 March 23; 11(3):691. doi:10.3390/nu11030691

  12. US Department of Agriculture. FoodData Central. Pears, raw.

  13. MyFoodData. Raspberries, raw.

  14. MyFoodData. Oranges.

  15. Nakajima VM, Macedo GA, Macedo JA. Citrus bioactive phenolics: A role in the treatment of obesity. LWT – Food Science and Technology. 2014; 59(2): 1205-1212. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2014.02.060

  16. MyFoodData. Strawberries.

  17. MyFoodData. Bananas.

  18. MyFoodData. yellow peaches.

  19. MyFoodData. Cantaloupe melons.

  20. MyFoodData. Kiwifruit.

  21. Richardson DP, Ansell J, Drummond LN. Nutritional and health characteristics of kiwifruit: a review. Eur J Nutr. 2018; 57(8): 2659-2676. doi:10.1007/s00394-018-1627-z

  22. MyFoodData. Whiskey.

  23. Lum T, Connolly M, Marx A, Beidler J, Hooshmand S, Kern M, Liu C, Hong MY. Effects of fresh watermelon consumption on the acute satiety response and cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adults. Nutrients. 2019 March 12; 11(3):595. doi:10.3390/nu11030595

  24. MyFoodData. Pineapple.

  25. Harvard Health Publishing. Is eating dried fruit healthy?.

  26. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Benefits of grapefruit.

  27. US Department of Agriculture. Results.

Further Reading

  • MedlinePlus. Glycemic index and diabetes.

  • Oregon State University. Linus Pauling Institute. Glycemic index and glycemic load.

By Ann Pietrangelo

Ann Pietrangelo is a freelance writer, health reporter, and author of two books about her personal health experiences.

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