10 ways your body can change after you quit

Thinking of cutting out dairy foods this Veganuary? Most nutritionists wouldn’t recommend giving up an entire food group unless you have a good reason for it; like an allergy, for example, or because you are choosing a vegan diet. That’s because each group provides different vital nutrients and energy to enable our bodies to function properly.

But in the event that you have little choice (or if you decide that this is the right choice for you) but to try to go dairy free, it is better to be aware of how your body might react. Frida Harju-Westman, nutritionist at health app Lifesum, explains what it could be and why:

You can get fewer headaches

Headaches can come from dairy because of a natural chemical often found in cheeses, tyramine. For some people who eat a lot of cheese, this can contribute to the onset of migraines and headaches. “If you regularly suffer from these, you may find that cutting dairy foods like cheese from your diet has a positive effect,” says Harju-Westman.

Sounds great. However, you might not be so lucky. “Vitamin B2 is important in dairy products, and the deficiency of this vitamin is also associated with the possible side effect of migraines,” the nutritionist points out. If you decide to go dairy-free, make sure you don’t become deficient in B2 by eating plenty of mushrooms, almonds and spinach, which are high in it, making the switch pretty achievable.

You could be less bloated

Although you may not currently be officially diagnosed as lactose intolerant, 65% of the world’s population has difficulty digesting milk, according to the US National Library of Medicine. “This is due to the fact that many people lack lactase, the enzyme needed to properly digest cow’s milk,” Harju-Westman explains. “If you cut out dairy, your digestion may improve, you may feel less bloated,” suggests the nutritionist. But just like before, there’s every chance it could go the other way, unfortunately. “There’s also a chance that cutting out dairy could make you feel better bigger bloated, as your body reacts to the change in diet,” she says.

It seems like a game of Russian roulette – but talking to your doctor before making any changes can help you do what’s right for you and your body.


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Your gut health can suffer

Improved digestion is one thing, but cutting out dairy doesn’t guarantee that your gut health will improve. Harju-Westman explains why: “There are many different types of bacteria in your digestive tract, both good and bad. Dairy products like natural Greek yogurt and Kefir are full of good bacteria and probiotics that help improve your gut health. If you go dairy-free, it’s important to replace your natural yogurt with a dairy-free option that contains active live cultures, and you may want to consider taking probiotic tablets to keep the gut stable.”

You can miss out on essential nutrients

Just like protein, fats and starchy carbohydrates, dairy can be an essential part of a healthy diet. “Dairy products tend to be rich in important nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D, so if you decide to eliminate this food group from your diet, then you need to make sure you don’t miss out on your intake of these essential nutrients,” says the expert. “Be sure to eat fatty fish such as sardines [if you eat fish of course]are a good source of calcium, as are certain plant-based milks that are often fortified with vitamin D and calcium.”

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You can get sick more easily

“When you stop eating dairy, you may find that your immune system becomes much weaker,” the nutritionist points out. Explaining why, she says: “This could be because you lack the important vitamin B12. B12 is commonly found in dairy products and helps regulate the immune system and help the body fight bacteria.

“If you lack B12 you may feel weaker and get unwanted illnesses more easily, so be sure to combat this deficiency by eating foods fortified with this vitamin, or consult your doctor about whether to take a B12 supplement,” says Harju-Westman.

Your skin can improve

It is widely known that cutting out dairy can improve one’s skin. “Cow’s milk often contains hormones, which can react to the hormones in your own body and increase the production of sebum in your skin, which is responsible for clogging your pores,” explains Harju-Westman. “As a result, you may find that cutting dairy out of your diet improves the look and feel of your skin.”

But as a word of warning, the nutritionist adds: “However, remember that a good diet is essential to maintain good skin and prevent breakouts, so it’s important to make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet in which has plenty of nutrients.”

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You may have more energy

“It’s easy to fall into the habit of regularly eating unhealthy, dairy-rich foods such as creamy pasta, cheese and pizza,” says Harju-Westman. “When you give up dairy, you may start to think more carefully about the foods you eat. For example, to combat the lack of calcium in your diet that has traditionally been obtained from eating dairy products, probably replace these with other calcium-rich foods such as spinach, kale and white beans. Eating vitamin-rich foods like these may give you more energy as your diet improves. food full of more nutrients,” she explains. Sounds like a win-win.

Your mood can become more stable

This one is quite interesting, who knows? “Due to the high amount of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone found in cow’s milk, when you eat dairy your body takes these hormones as a bioproduct,” says the nutritionist. “These extra hormones, when mixed with your own, can cause mood swings that may ease when you cut dairy out of your diet.”

You may experience a period of withdrawal

If your body is used to eating dairy, you should expect to experience withdrawal symptoms if you cut the entire food group out of your diet, as you would with most things to eliminate. Harju-Westman explains this, that your body is “responding to the dietary changes. You may be more tired than usual and you may even have trouble sleeping,” she notes.

Your body can lack protein

“Protein is an important macronutrient you get from dairy, which is essential for building muscles and helping your organs and bones function properly,” explains the expert. “While other foods can provide your essential protein intake, you may find that if you decide to go dairy-free you need to pay closer attention to this. Try to make a point to eat more protein-rich foods eat protein such as quinoa and almonds.”

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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